Si alguien ha seguido el desarrollo de las fuerzas rerpesivas dentro de USA, no habrá hecho mas que sorprenderse ante la estetica que estan tomando las calles de la superpotencia capitalista durante el mandato de Obama.
La Policia esta igual de pertrechada , a un nivel de unodades mecanizadas del ejercito. Tienen sus vehiculos blindados casi de los mismos modelos que operan en Afganistan o Irak patrullando las calles. Son modelos modernos de ultiam tecnología con blindaje contra minas y explosivos. La policia va por el mismmo camino, su equipo tactico es el mismo de las unidades de asalto que podemos ver en Bagdad o en cualquier otra operacion gringa.
Es curioso que en medio de la crisis mas importante del ultimo siglo, la superpotencia este militraizando sus fuerzas represivas a tal nivel para contener todo lo que pueda pasar en la sociedad. Con esta militarización si a pensabamos que en USA era imposible una revolución por el nivel de alienación, viendo su capacidad represiva interna, es cuanto menos inimaginable plantearse algo así. Esta desproporcionalidad en las fuerzas tacticas junto a la violencia ejercida por la policia, nos muestra un nuevo tipo de fascismo modernizado, un Estado Corporativista, donde el pais va a hacer lo que le de la gana como le de la gana sin tener miedo a algun tipo de repercusion social.
For nearly half a century, the general trend within America’s police precincts has been toward greater militarization, a transformation initiated by the culture wars of the 1960s and facilitated by the war on drugs, fear of inner-city crime, and anxieties over the threat of terrorism.
Fear of drugs, crime and terrorism have been used to justify the expansion of SWAT programs and the acquisition of military grade weaponry and vehicles in America’s smaller towns. Citing previous work, investigative journalist Radley Balko writes that the number of SWAT teams in municipalities with populations between 25,000 and 50,000 “increased by more than 300 percent between 1984 and 1995,” and that 75% of all of these towns had their own SWAT teams by the year 2000. Small precincts acquired wartime weaponry and a warrior culture was engendered among community police.
The ACLU is currently working on a major investigation to illuminate the extent of militarization across America. Here are four shocking examples of militarized police in America’s small towns.
1. Keene, New Hampshire
A town with a murder count of two since 2009, Keene’s city officials surreptitiously accepted a $285,933 grant from the Department of Defense in 2012 to purchase a Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck, or BearCat.
The grant was offered through the 1033 program, which was signed into law in 1997 and created a pipeline for the DOD to pass surplus military gear to local police precincts. It may seem preposterous that a sleepy New England town would need to commandeer a tank intended to withstand IED attacks, but in the post-9/11 era, nearly any degree of militarization can be justified with the threat of terrorism.
“We don’t know what the terrorists are thinking,” warned Jim Massery, sales manager for the creator of the Bearcat, Lencor Armored Vehicles, to investigative journalist Radley Balko, before questioning whether residents who took issue with the BearCat “just don’t think police officers’ lives are worth saving.”
Hombre que amenazaba con suicidarse con un cuchillo, la policia respondo con SWAT (fuerzas especiales de la policia ), francotiradores, y vehiculos de blindaje anti-minas y explosivos
USA esta blindado el Estado, para una nueva Guerra Mundial y una nueva oleada de revoluciones ante la crisis capitalista.