SS-18 escribió:Propaganda supremacista y racista Nazi respecto a los rusos bolcheviques.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]"Subhumanos"
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen] These sadistically tortured and hanged Russian men were not partisans. They were Red Army soldiers, common prisoners-of-war captured by the Wehrmacht.
Take notice that they were tortured and murdered not by the SS or Einsatzgruppen, but by regular German troops near the front line. On the right photo above: this barbarically mutilated Russian soldier was found crucified and frozen to death near Stalingrad, after the city had been liberated.
las ultimas imagenes corresponden a la Whermatch, osease, que no eran siquiera los psicopatas de las SS o Einsatzgruppen. Soldados crucificados del Ejercito rojo y prendidos fuego vivos. Esto es lo que hacian con SOLDADOS, imaginaos lo que tubieron que hacer para cargarse 20 millones de civiles. Algo alucinante.
El pasatiempo de la Whermatch con soldados prisioneros. Les hacian cavar su propia tumba , hacian fotos, se jactaban y los ejecutaban , todo esto, con fotitos como sourvenir del frente.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen] The Note from People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs,
Vyacheslav Molotov, dated 25 November 1941, contained the following appalling details:
"Members of the Soviet Red Army, when being captured by the German Wehrmacht, were tortured with red-hot irons, their eyes were put out, legs, arms, ears and nose were cut off, their stomach slit open, they were tied to tanks and torn to pieces . . . "
The mass burning alive of peaceful, non-combatant
peasant Russians: women, children, and elderly people
locked up in their wooden huts, barns, granaries, or churches
used to be a favourite "game" of the barbarian German soldiery
"... Confident in approaching victory, the Germans took a sadistic pleasure in the repression. How agreeable to combine duty and sport; to bask in the glow of the crusader while enjoying the particular physical pleasure which so many Germans derive from the infliction of pain. In the long summer evenings "man hunts" used to be organised on the slightest pretext, villages surrounded, set alight, and the inhabitants "beaten" like rising game birds and cut down in the streets.
Then it was rewarding to loot the dwellings for "souvenirs" and to send these, and photographs of the scene, to friends and the family back in Germany. Accompanied, for instance, with such an inscription as this one: '... here is a lock of hair from a Russian girl. Before the death she fought like a wild-cat and was quite subhuman (Untermensch) . . .' "
From the book Barbarossa, by Alan Clark, New York, Morrow, 1965, page 154.
La mente enferma y psicopata de las tropas NAZIs estaban tan adoctrinadas y tenian tanta FE en su nazismo que consideraban animales al resto, y se dedicaban a la caza en la retaguardia con civiles, se hacian fotos con las "piezas de caza" y las mandaban a sus mujeres y familias a alemania!!
This Russian boy with a dove in his hand, Vitya (Victor) Cherevichkin by name, was killed by German soldiers just for nothing in Rostov, 1941 . . . The Wehrmacht "warriors" used to commit their heinous crimes simply out of the feeling of impunity and for sadistic pleasure.
A Monument to Vitya Cherevichkin in Rostov Before killing him, the German pigs had cruelly beaten and mutilated Vitya Cherevichkin. They were kicking the boy in the head with their heavy boots so that his face became difficult to recognize when his mother found him dead among the other victims on the next day in the city park.
Obviously, at the final moment of his life Vitya Cherevichkin decided to release his favourite dove that was hidden in his bosom . . . But it was too late – in the next second the boy and his dove were shot and killed by the smiling Wehrmacht soldiers.
Which is just another one reason why we Russians hate moronic smiles!
When on 14th February 1943 Soviet troops liberated the city of Rostov-on-Don they found that 40,000 civilian inhabitants had been killed by the Germans, while another 53,000 Russian people had been deported to the forced labour camps in the Third Reich. Totally, during the occupation, the German brutes murdered 13,000,000 peaceful Russian civilians: women, children and old people.
A monument to Vitya Cherevichkin was erected in Rostov-on-Don near the site of his martyrized death.
". . .
The atrocities of the 'Death's Head' (Totenkopf) units of the SS which systematically murdered schoolchildren and poured gasolin over hospital inmates were the expression of a deliberate policy of terror, 'justified' by half-baked racial notions, but implemented with a perverse and sadistic relish . . ."
From the book Barbarossa, by Alan Clark, New York, Morrow, 1965, page 417
la historia de este niño entre todas las demas, inspiro a muchos solados del Ejercito Rojo que se batieron formidablemente contra los pertutbados NAZIs y sus aliados fascistas.
Este niño salio a la calle en su ciudad ocupada por los NAZIs a liberar a su paloma, fue interceptado por unos NAZIs . Lo mataron y estubieron mutilandolo por placer despues incluso de muerto.
Este es Vitya Cherevichkin
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]Asesinato de niños sovieticos , torturados y ejecutados por NAZIs. Vete a saber tu que más hicieron estos perturbados a niños... Los muertos y quemados, no pueden hablar, y como era el pasatiempo de esta escoria incinerar a civiles vivos asi uno quitaba pruebas de que mas hacian a los niños, niñas y mujeres.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]Una madre con sus hijos asesinada, incluido el bebe de dos meses que hay en el pecho de ella.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]Esto es la esencia de la perturbación maxima que crea el capitalismo. Uno ya se cree la raza superior y llama al resto subhumanos, y al final, a esa bestia no se la puede ni considerar ni un animal. No existe animal capaz de hacer algo semejante en la naturaleza, solo la escoria residual del capitalismo , la moral perturbada que crea es capaz de convertir a Humanos , en autenticos monstruos.
While the treatment of POW's by the Germans was extremely harsh, it was not as bad as the treatment of Russian civilians, who for the most part had not even fought the Germans.
Nazi propaganda had convinced the men in the Wehrmacht to view the Russians as a "conglomeration of animals." The Germans under their Nazi leaders were insanely bent upon the enslavement or butchery of all "Untermenschen" – "subhumans".
This policy was implemented in the criminal orders which provided the German army with a blank cheque for the mass killing of civilians. And this they did.
A resident of Leningrad at the time noted that the Germans "killed without regarding age or sex." No safety was guaranteed to refugees. By late July 1941, the German army went as far as to start shooting all refugees. Russian civilians were also shot for such reasons as breaking curfew or being caught outside without a pass. In an effort to hamper partisan activity, houses in which the Germans thought partisans were hiding were burned with the occupants inside.
Civiles refugiados que intentaban escapar del avance de las hordas NAZIs , masacrados con ametralladoras.
" . . .
[ During the occupation ] if a German thought, as he passed you in the street, that you had given him a dirty look, that was enough. To kill a human being – it was as easy as stepping on a worm and squashing it! . . . "
From the book Russia At War, 1941-1945, by Alexander Werth, London, Pan Books Ltd., 1964, page 794.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen] "The instruction for a German soldier in Russia" which was in use by Wehrmacht's personnel, read:
'You should not either to take things to heart or to worry.
Forget your sympathy and compassion.
Kill any Russian or Soviet citizen.
Do never stop at anything, whether you see an old man, or a woman, or a boy, or a girl in front of you.
It will save you from death.
It will provide your family with a future.
It will bring eternal glory to you.'
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]See also: Conduct of Troops in Eastern Territories
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]A German Field Marshal Instructs the Wehrmacht on Its Role in the Soviet Union.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]Mujer violada y asesinada con su hijo llorando.....
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]Collective measures were also used against civilians. For instance on January 30, 1942, after a German sled had driven on some mines in the vicinity of the village of Novye Ladomiry, the whole male population of the village was shot and the houses burned down as a 'collective measure'. With the Germans treating the peaceful civilian population like this it is no wonder they quickly deserved profound hatred.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen] Immediately after another one Belorussian, Ukrainian or Russian town being captured, the first action invariably taken by the Wehrmacht (I emphasize: by the Wehrmacht!) was mass public executions – usually the summary hanging from the main street balconies, and everywhere around the town, of several dozens of local inhabitants, caught at random in the streets and branded as 'communists', just to intimidate the rest of the population and to show them clearly who was to be from now on a 'New Master' here.
As a rule, all the hanged innocent victims' corpses were to remain dangling from the ropes along the streets for a week's time, or so. In order to enforce and prolong the intimidation effect the Germans would not allow to remove and bury the hanged people until their bodies would begin to decompose.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]BELORUSSIA, MINSK UNDER GERMAN OCCUPATION
Now, a bit of terrible arithmetic.
If we accept the minimum number of the people hanged by the German invaders in each newly captured Russian TOWN as 12 persons only, and the minimum number of those hanged in each newly captured Russian VILLAGE as 6 persons, then we shall come to the following figures:
1,700 captured Russian towns multiplied by 12 = 20,400 hanged persons.
70,000 captured Russian villages mulitplied by 6 = 42,000 hanged persons.
The total sum is 62,400 peaceful Russian civilian people hanged in each Russian town and village on the FIRST DAY OF THE GERMAN OCCUPATION just only for the purpose of intimidation.
Remember: this total of 62,400 hanged innocent people is ONLY the number of "the first day victims", without counting all the other innumerable deliberately merciless, sadistic and systematic murders of Russian civilians during the whole period of the German occupation in 1941 – 1944, which eventually resulted in a total of 13 million Russian civilian non-combatant innocent martyrs.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen] " . . . The public executions of 'communists' and other 'suspects' – usually branded 'partisans' – were common practice in the towns and villages occupied by the Germans. Since these executions frequently took place 'on the first day' of the occupation, they were apparently the work not of any special detachments under Himler, but of members of the Army itself . . . The fact that executions were carried out by the Army is persistently denied by German generals, but, according to the Russian eyewitnesses I saw in 1942, it was 'ordinary soldiers' who did the hanging . . . "
From the book Russia At War, 1941-1945, by Alexander Werth, London, Pan Books Ltd., 1964, page 348.
Ahora fotos , Souvenirs de soldados NAZIs que mandaban a sus madres , mujeres y familias de alemania. Vamos, perturbados, todos. Se ve que esta practica es comun entre los anglosajones,(vease IRAK)
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]Ahora comparemos con las fotos Souvenir del Ejercito Rojo.
La cara de la escoria NAZI lo dice todo, jajajajaja. Solo espero que pagase por todo este aborto de animal humano.
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]A YOUNG RUSSIAN SOLDIER POSES
Que alguien encuentre una sola foto de solados Sovieticos posando y jactandose de las ejecuciones o muertes que hacen cual trofeos.
As a New-York-based historian, T. Kunikov, correctly writes:
"The worst atrocities, committed on both sides on the Eastern Front, were official policy on the German side, and spontaneous acts of disobedience on the Soviet side."
"This is very important to understand when viewing the differences of both army's and governments. It was the POLICY of the Wehrmacht and the Third Reich/Nazi Party/Hitler to let their armed forces/soldiers commit atrocities on the Eastern front, the same simply cannot be said for the Red Army."
Source: Kunikov Blog
Esto son las hordaz NAZIs muertos al lado de Stalingrado
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver esa imagen]Pagaron no como merecian loq ue hicieron pero algo se llevaron.