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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Novato/a rojo/a
    Novato/a rojo/a

    Cantidad de envíos : 6
    Reputación : 10
    Fecha de inscripción : 17/11/2011

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por Schopenhauer Jue Nov 17, 2011 8:04 am

    Quiero saber si es que el Comunismo no es racista (no me refiero a odio racial, sino al defensa de cada raza por la diversidad) entonces se acabaría la diversidad, si se acaba la diversidad se acabaría la belleza?

    Esto me preocupa enormemente, la belleza nórdica se acabaría? Nos podriamos mantener unidos pero no revueltos?

    Espero sus respuestas, saludos, necesito saber rapido esto.


    PD: Antes era Nacionalsocialista.
    Camarada Comisario
    Camarada Comisario

    Cantidad de envíos : 2735
    Reputación : 2903
    Fecha de inscripción : 15/10/2011
    Localización : Sí, claro que tengo de eso.

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por JoseKRK Jue Nov 17, 2011 9:28 am

    Para empezar: Tú, eres nazi....¿Verdad? Eso de "antes era nacionalsocialista" es verdad; tanto, que lo sigues siendo.

    Para seguir: no existen las razas humanas. Las adaptaciones fenotípicas al medio no constituyen razas. A ver si estudiamos algo más de Biología y de Materialismo Dialéctico, a Lysenko, por ejemplo (en vez de a Darwin y los "neodarwinistas") y nos dejamos de lecturas y "estudios" estúpidos sin ningún fundamento científico y, por tanto, falaces y con demasiado error para poco acierto.

    Para terminar: la belleza es una valoración completamente subjetiva. A ti te parecen "bellos" el nacionalsocialismo y el racismo; a mí me parecen horribles, apestosos como tú, los desprecio y los combato, así como al degenerado, estúpido y anticientífico Schopenhauer y su filosofía burguesa, subjetivista y reaccionaria.

    ¡Contra el racismo, Marxismo-leninismo! ¡Viva la Dictadura del Proletariado!

    ¡Nazis al Gulag de por vida!
    Miembro del Soviet
    Miembro del Soviet

    Cantidad de envíos : 2571
    Reputación : 3015
    Fecha de inscripción : 10/10/2011

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Madre mía

    Mensaje por Echospace Jue Nov 17, 2011 11:22 am

    Madre mía socio, menudo cacao tienes en la cabeza.

    El comunismo no es racista en absoluto, ya que promueve la humanización y deja bien claro que todos somos "iguales" independientemente del credo, raza, nacionalidad o condición sexual -entre otros-.

    Opino que no existe la pureza racial absoluta, ya que durante la historia, todos los pueblos del mundo se han ido mezclando entre si creando nuevas razas. Esto es hermoso bajo mi punto de vista. En mi caso, mi madre es rubia con ojos azules y mi padre es negro.

    Que las razas vayan perdiendo presencia por la mezcla con diferentes personas de diferentes lugares no tiene nada de malo, ya que es un proceso histórico natural que ha sucedido desde el principio de nuestro tiempo. La gente se enamora y tiene hijos, independientemente de la raza.

    Independientemente de esto, no te preocupes por la diversidad racial, no se acabará hasta dentro de unos cuantos cientos de miles de años -si es que se acaba-.

    Además, no tenemos que entrar a valorar asuntos de índole nacionalista, ya que el nacionalismo en si mismo es un impedimento para el desarrollo de la clase obrera, y fue una creación de la burguesía con el fin de crear la confrontación entre obreros. La cuestión racial es un asunto nacionalista, y por ahí no entro.

    Te voy a hacer una pregunta,

    ¿Negarías enamorarte de una persona de una raza diferente a la tuya?
    Novato/a rojo/a
    Novato/a rojo/a

    Cantidad de envíos : 6
    Reputación : 10
    Fecha de inscripción : 17/11/2011

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por Schopenhauer Jue Nov 17, 2011 11:22 am

    JoseKRK escribió:Para empezar: Tú, eres nazi....¿Verdad? Eso de "antes era nacionalsocialista" es verdad; tanto, que lo sigues siendo.

    Para seguir: no existen las razas humanas. Las adaptaciones fenotípicas al medio no constituyen razas. A ver si estudiamos algo más de Biología y de Materialismo Dialéctico, a Lysenko, por ejemplo (en vez de a Darwin y los "neodarwinistas") y nos dejamos de lecturas y "estudios" estúpidos sin ningún fundamento científico y, por tanto, falaces y con demasiado error para poco acierto.

    Para terminar: la belleza es una valoración completamente subjetiva. A ti te parecen "bellos" el nacionalsocialismo y el racismo; a mí me parecen horribles, apestosos como tú, los desprecio y los combato, así como al degenerado, estúpido y anticientífico Schopenhauer y su filosofía burguesa, subjetivista y reaccionaria.

    ¡Contra el racismo, Marxismo-leninismo! ¡Viva la Dictadura del Proletariado!

    ¡Nazis al Gulag de por vida!

    No se cual es la idea de no ayudar a alguien que va perdido, pero bueno si eres asi, me da igual.
    Camarada Comisario
    Camarada Comisario

    Cantidad de envíos : 2735
    Reputación : 2903
    Fecha de inscripción : 15/10/2011
    Localización : Sí, claro que tengo de eso.

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por JoseKRK Jue Nov 17, 2011 11:28 am

    Si estás perdido yo te indico el camino de salida encantado, nazi.
    Miembro del Soviet
    Miembro del Soviet

    Cantidad de envíos : 2571
    Reputación : 3015
    Fecha de inscripción : 10/10/2011

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Bueno...

    Mensaje por Echospace Jue Nov 17, 2011 11:35 am

    Schopenhauer escribió:No se cual es la idea de no ayudar a alguien que va perdido.


    Yo te recomiendo aprender de la gente que hay aquí, y formarte sin parar. Descubrirás que ese lavado de cerebro al que fuiste sometido no tiene sentido, ya que el racismo no es científico y no tiene razones para existir.

    Pregúntate quien fomenta el racismo, y que intereses hay detrás de él. El racismo es una lacra, y todos debemos luchar con ella. Además, no tiene cabida en éste foro.

    Has venido a un lugar correcto para formarte, aprende y limpia tu cerebro de esa basura fascista que solo trae muerte y sufrimiento.

    Cantidad de envíos : 929
    Reputación : 1073
    Fecha de inscripción : 16/11/2010
    Edad : 36

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por katkhus_2 Jue Nov 17, 2011 12:27 pm

    Muy de acuerdo con tu comentario camarada Echoespace, solo me gustaría puntualizar que es casi imposible qe se acaben las razas, y más aun con la implementación del socialismo.

    Te pondré un ejemplo, nose si eres de España, pero aqui en españa muchas veces vienen mucha gente mauritana y senegalesa de raza negra huyendo del infierno que el imperialismo a construido en sus paises. Estas personas, es muy probable que encuentren pareja aqui en españa, pues ahora viven aqui. Pero esto, en el socialismo no pasaría, en el socialismo desaparecerían estas migraciones masivas ya que la causa de estas migraciones son las malas condiciones de vida, y en el socialismo, por poco que este desarrollado garantiza unas condiciones de vida dignas. No te digo yo que en el socialismo un senegales no viaje a veces a Madrid por cuestiones de trabajo o para visitar el museo del Prado, y que en uno de los viajes se enamore de alguien español, pero ya es mucho menos probable que si vive aqui.

    De esta manera, quiero llegar a la conclusión que el socialismo en vez de eliminar la diversidad de razas las conserva, y siempre desde el respeto por supuesto.
    Miembro del Soviet
    Miembro del Soviet

    Cantidad de envíos : 2571
    Reputación : 3015
    Fecha de inscripción : 10/10/2011

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty La tecla

    Mensaje por Echospace Jue Nov 17, 2011 12:36 pm

    katkhus_2 escribió:Te pondré un ejemplo, nose si eres de España, pero aqui en españa muchas veces vienen mucha gente mauritana y senegalesa de raza negra huyendo del infierno que el imperialismo a construido en sus paises. Estas personas, es muy probable que encuentren pareja aqui en españa, pues ahora viven aqui. Pero esto, en el socialismo no pasaría, en el socialismo desaparecerían estas migraciones masivas ya que la causa de estas migraciones son las malas condiciones de vida, y en el socialismo, por poco que este desarrollado garantiza unas condiciones de vida dignas. No te digo yo que en el socialismo un senegales no viaje a veces a Madrid por cuestiones de trabajo o para visitar el museo del Prado, y que en uno de los viajes se enamore de alguien español, pero ya es mucho menos probable que si vive aqui.

    ¡Sí señor!

    Gran planteamiento, has dado en la tecla.

    Un saludo.


    ¿Yo? Madrileño como el cocidito de mi abuela Very Happy
    Novato/a rojo/a
    Novato/a rojo/a

    Cantidad de envíos : 6
    Reputación : 10
    Fecha de inscripción : 17/11/2011

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por Schopenhauer Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:14 pm

    katkhus_2 escribió:Muy de acuerdo con tu comentario camarada Echoespace, solo me gustaría puntualizar que es casi imposible qe se acaben las razas, y más aun con la implementación del socialismo.

    Te pondré un ejemplo, nose si eres de España, pero aqui en españa muchas veces vienen mucha gente mauritana y senegalesa de raza negra huyendo del infierno que el imperialismo a construido en sus paises. Estas personas, es muy probable que encuentren pareja aqui en españa, pues ahora viven aqui. Pero esto, en el socialismo no pasaría, en el socialismo desaparecerían estas migraciones masivas ya que la causa de estas migraciones son las malas condiciones de vida, y en el socialismo, por poco que este desarrollado garantiza unas condiciones de vida dignas. No te digo yo que en el socialismo un senegales no viaje a veces a Madrid por cuestiones de trabajo o para visitar el museo del Prado, y que en uno de los viajes se enamore de alguien español, pero ya es mucho menos probable que si vive aqui.

    De esta manera, quiero llegar a la conclusión que el socialismo en vez de eliminar la diversidad de razas las conserva, y siempre desde el respeto por supuesto.

    Eso es exactamente el pensamiento que tengo en el sentido racial, el de conservar la divercidad, para mi odio racial es la mezcla de estas. Diganme que no tienen sustento cientifico, pero cientificamente he visto que por la minima medida que tengan de diferencia hay cambios físicos y talvez del carácter. Esto no quiere decir que haya superioridad o inferioridad racial, esto solo lo podría decir un ser casi divino, simplemente es algo subjetivo y que yo lo veo como las mujeres, hay muchas mujeres bellas, personalmente me gustan morenas, pelirrojas y rubias, pero no tengo una favorita.

    Primera respuesta que veo del foro que me gusto, jamás lo había pensado asi. Hasta ahora solo me habían dicho cosas muy baratas como que el Nacionalsocialismo acabo con vidas, pero todos sabemos que la guerra es la guerra, si no me equivoco los Sovieticos mataron 120.000.000 o un poco mas y segun mismos alemanes NO-NACIONALSOCIALISTAS violaron mujeres masivamente.

    Camarada Comisario
    Camarada Comisario

    Cantidad de envíos : 2735
    Reputación : 2903
    Fecha de inscripción : 15/10/2011
    Localización : Sí, claro que tengo de eso.

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por JoseKRK Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:23 pm

    Schopenhauer escribió:

    Primera respuesta que veo del foro que me gusto, jamás lo había pensado asi. Hasta ahora solo me habían dicho cosas muy baratas como que el Nacionalsocialismo acabo con vidas, pero todos sabemos que la guerra es la guerra, si no me equivoco los Sovieticos mataron 120.000.000 o un poco mas y segun mismos alemanes NO-NACIONALSOCIALISTAS violaron mujeres masivamente.


    No, sub-animal nazi. Los soviéticos mataron mucho más. Basándome en las mismas fuentes exactamente que Robert Conquest y que Solzhenitsin, yo he calculado que mataron a setentamil millones de personas en sólo tres años, lo que pasa es que lo hicieron con mucho disimulo y escondieron muy bien los cadáverdes (Rusia es muy grande, ya sabes).

    Fuentes de los datos: mis cojones y mi imaginación anticomunista (las mismas que las de los nazis, las de Conquest y de Solzhenitsin).

    Hasta para "alabar" una buena respuesta, te has buscado la vida para meter mentiras nazis y anticomunistas. Eres un sinvergüenza, chaval.

    Y no tienes ni idea de Biología si insistes aún en que existe razas humanas, a proteger o a exterminar, eso da igual, ya que no se puede ni proteger ni exterminar lo que no existe en realidad.
    Colaborador estrella
    Colaborador estrella

    Cantidad de envíos : 16767
    Reputación : 21296
    Fecha de inscripción : 16/06/2010

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:25 pm

    Schopenhauer escribió:
    katkhus_2 escribió:Muy de acuerdo con tu comentario camarada Echoespace, solo me gustaría puntualizar que es casi imposible qe se acaben las razas, y más aun con la implementación del socialismo.

    Te pondré un ejemplo, nose si eres de España, pero aqui en españa muchas veces vienen mucha gente mauritana y senegalesa de raza negra huyendo del infierno que el imperialismo a construido en sus paises. Estas personas, es muy probable que encuentren pareja aqui en españa, pues ahora viven aqui. Pero esto, en el socialismo no pasaría, en el socialismo desaparecerían estas migraciones masivas ya que la causa de estas migraciones son las malas condiciones de vida, y en el socialismo, por poco que este desarrollado garantiza unas condiciones de vida dignas. No te digo yo que en el socialismo un senegales no viaje a veces a Madrid por cuestiones de trabajo o para visitar el museo del Prado, y que en uno de los viajes se enamore de alguien español, pero ya es mucho menos probable que si vive aqui.

    De esta manera, quiero llegar a la conclusión que el socialismo en vez de eliminar la diversidad de razas las conserva, y siempre desde el respeto por supuesto.

    Eso es exactamente el pensamiento que tengo en el sentido racial, el de conservar la divercidad, para mi odio racial es la mezcla de estas. Diganme que no tienen sustento cientifico, pero cientificamente he visto que por la minima medida que tengan de diferencia hay cambios físicos y talvez del carácter. Esto no quiere decir que haya superioridad o inferioridad racial, esto solo lo podría decir un ser casi divino, simplemente es algo subjetivo y que yo lo veo como las mujeres, hay muchas mujeres bellas, personalmente me gustan morenas, pelirrojas y rubias, pero no tengo una favorita.

    Primera respuesta que veo del foro que me gusto, jamás lo había pensado asi. Hasta ahora solo me habían dicho cosas muy baratas como que el Nacionalsocialismo acabo con vidas, pero todos sabemos que la guerra es la guerra, si no me equivoco los Sovieticos mataron 120.000.000 o un poco mas y segun mismos alemanes NO-NACIONALSOCIALISTAS violaron mujeres masivamente.


    Te vamos a dar una minima oportunidad

    Te voy a dar un link , te lo lees y rebates la información que ahi se presta, si te veo soltar algo en cualquier parte del foro fuera de ese hilo , te baneo.

    Leer basura de Beevor ese perturbado anticomunista y filonazi de poco te sirve escudarte en propaganda yanke heredada de Goebbels, mucho menos dar datos del Libro negro del Comunismo que hace la cama a filonazis retrasados mentales. Los libros estan para estudiarlos y analizarlos no tomarlos como un dogma sin ninguna visión critica.

    La guerra no es la guerra . Leete el jodido Main Kampf, lee a Hitler, a Himmler a Goebbels, y veremos el por que no es una guerra normal lo que paso. jamás en la historia se habia desarrollado una pseudo religión como lo fue el NAcional Socialismo donde se juraba lealtad eterna al Fürer y se daba rienda suelta carta blanca a recrearse con subhumanos en el Este.

    Lo que deberiais de hacer individuos como tu, mestizos y demás historias es leer.

    jamás en la historia se habia producido una Guerra de Exterminio, jamás en la historia una guerra total , jamás en la historia se habian hecho masacres industriales y limpiezas etnicas de poblaciones enteras. En Polonia se extermino a 1/4 de la población, en 4 años de ocupacion, QUE NO DE GUERRA ¿ que escusa hay para ello ?, millones de personas usadas como esclavos en industrias burguesas alemanas. 20 millones de personas,CIVILES, Sovieticos, fueron exterminados. El genocidio sobre el pueblo eslavo es el más grande de la historia, mucho mayor que el de los judios, y como repito, NO ERAN BAJAS EN COMBATE.

    Última edición por SS-18 el Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:39 pm, editado 1 vez
    Miembro del Soviet
    Miembro del Soviet

    Cantidad de envíos : 2571
    Reputación : 3015
    Fecha de inscripción : 10/10/2011

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Expulsión

    Mensaje por Echospace Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:26 pm

    Schopenhauer escribió:
    katkhus_2 escribió:Muy de acuerdo con tu comentario camarada Echoespace, solo me gustaría puntualizar que es casi imposible qe se acaben las razas, y más aun con la implementación del socialismo.

    Te pondré un ejemplo, nose si eres de España, pero aqui en españa muchas veces vienen mucha gente mauritana y senegalesa de raza negra huyendo del infierno que el imperialismo a construido en sus paises. Estas personas, es muy probable que encuentren pareja aqui en españa, pues ahora viven aqui. Pero esto, en el socialismo no pasaría, en el socialismo desaparecerían estas migraciones masivas ya que la causa de estas migraciones son las malas condiciones de vida, y en el socialismo, por poco que este desarrollado garantiza unas condiciones de vida dignas. No te digo yo que en el socialismo un senegales no viaje a veces a Madrid por cuestiones de trabajo o para visitar el museo del Prado, y que en uno de los viajes se enamore de alguien español, pero ya es mucho menos probable que si vive aqui.

    De esta manera, quiero llegar a la conclusión que el socialismo en vez de eliminar la diversidad de razas las conserva, y siempre desde el respeto por supuesto.

    Eso es exactamente el pensamiento que tengo en el sentido racial, el de conservar la divercidad, para mi odio racial es la mezcla de estas. Diganme que no tienen sustento cientifico, pero cientificamente he visto que por la minima medida que tengan de diferencia hay cambios físicos y talvez del carácter. Esto no quiere decir que haya superioridad o inferioridad racial, esto solo lo podría decir un ser casi divino, simplemente es algo subjetivo y que yo lo veo como las mujeres, hay muchas mujeres bellas, personalmente me gustan morenas, pelirrojas y rubias, pero no tengo una favorita.

    Primera respuesta que veo del foro que me gusto, jamás lo había pensado asi. Hasta ahora solo me habían dicho cosas muy baratas como que el Nacionalsocialismo acabo con vidas, pero todos sabemos que la guerra es la guerra, si no me equivoco los Sovieticos mataron 120.000.000 o un poco mas y segun mismos alemanes NO-NACIONALSOCIALISTAS violaron mujeres masivamente.


    Propongo tu expulsión de foro de manera inmediata, no tengo por qué aguantar que alguien diga que el odio racial proviene de la mezcla de razas. Es muy fuerte.

    Me pondré en contacto con SS-18 para ver que puede hacer.

    Esto ha sido la gota que colmó el vaso.
    Miembro del Soviet
    Miembro del Soviet

    Cantidad de envíos : 2571
    Reputación : 3015
    Fecha de inscripción : 10/10/2011

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Mal

    Mensaje por Echospace Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:27 pm

    Echospace escribió:
    Schopenhauer escribió:
    katkhus_2 escribió:Muy de acuerdo con tu comentario camarada Echoespace, solo me gustaría puntualizar que es casi imposible qe se acaben las razas, y más aun con la implementación del socialismo.

    Te pondré un ejemplo, nose si eres de España, pero aqui en españa muchas veces vienen mucha gente mauritana y senegalesa de raza negra huyendo del infierno que el imperialismo a construido en sus paises. Estas personas, es muy probable que encuentren pareja aqui en españa, pues ahora viven aqui. Pero esto, en el socialismo no pasaría, en el socialismo desaparecerían estas migraciones masivas ya que la causa de estas migraciones son las malas condiciones de vida, y en el socialismo, por poco que este desarrollado garantiza unas condiciones de vida dignas. No te digo yo que en el socialismo un senegales no viaje a veces a Madrid por cuestiones de trabajo o para visitar el museo del Prado, y que en uno de los viajes se enamore de alguien español, pero ya es mucho menos probable que si vive aqui.

    De esta manera, quiero llegar a la conclusión que el socialismo en vez de eliminar la diversidad de razas las conserva, y siempre desde el respeto por supuesto.

    Eso es exactamente el pensamiento que tengo en el sentido racial, el de conservar la divercidad, para mi odio racial es la mezcla de estas. Diganme que no tienen sustento cientifico, pero cientificamente he visto que por la minima medida que tengan de diferencia hay cambios físicos y talvez del carácter. Esto no quiere decir que haya superioridad o inferioridad racial, esto solo lo podría decir un ser casi divino, simplemente es algo subjetivo y que yo lo veo como las mujeres, hay muchas mujeres bellas, personalmente me gustan morenas, pelirrojas y rubias, pero no tengo una favorita.

    Primera respuesta que veo del foro que me gusto, jamás lo había pensado asi. Hasta ahora solo me habían dicho cosas muy baratas como que el Nacionalsocialismo acabo con vidas, pero todos sabemos que la guerra es la guerra, si no me equivoco los Sovieticos mataron 120.000.000 o un poco mas y segun mismos alemanes NO-NACIONALSOCIALISTAS violaron mujeres masivamente.


    Propongo tu expulsión de foro de manera inmediata, no tengo por qué aguantar que alguien diga que el odio racial proviene de la mezcla de razas. Es muy fuerte.

    Me pondré en contacto con SS-18 para ver que puede hacer.

    Esto ha sido la gota que colmó el vaso.

    No hace falta que me ponga en contacto con él, ya está viendo lo que pasa por aquí y te ha dejado unos apuntes.

    Gracias camarada SS-18.

    Última edición por Echospace el Jue Nov 17, 2011 4:07 pm, editado 1 vez
    Camarada Comisario
    Camarada Comisario

    Cantidad de envíos : 2735
    Reputación : 2903
    Fecha de inscripción : 15/10/2011
    Localización : Sí, claro que tengo de eso.

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por JoseKRK Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:32 pm

    ¿Véis cómo es esta escoria sub-animal?

    Ni una oportunidad de respirar hay que dar a los nazis. Al Gulag de cabeza hasta que mueran. Con lo que "dijeron" en la Historia y lo que "dicen" cada día con los "argumentos" del puñetazo, las pistolas y los gases venenosos, ya dijeron todo lo que tenían por "expresar" para siempre jamás.

    Jamás, jamás os fiéis de un nazi; diga lo que diga o haga lo que haga. Vigilado las 24 horas por buenos fusileros y, a la mínima, al gulag. La ingenuidad ante un nazi equivale a la muerte más espantosa.

    Última edición por JoseKRK el Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:38 pm, editado 1 vez (Razón :
    Colaborador estrella
    Colaborador estrella

    Cantidad de envíos : 16767
    Reputación : 21296
    Fecha de inscripción : 16/06/2010

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:35 pm

    Schopenhauer escribió:Quiero saber si es que el Comunismo no es racista (no me refiero a odio racial, sino al defensa de cada raza por la diversidad) entonces se acabaría la diversidad, si se acaba la diversidad se acabaría la belleza?

    Esto me preocupa enormemente, la belleza nórdica se acabaría? Nos podriamos mantener unidos pero no revueltos?

    Espero sus respuestas, saludos, necesito saber rapido esto.


    PD: Antes era Nacionalsocialista.

    En el Socialismo de Verdad , en un mundo socialista, no existe el mestizaje obligado como existe en un sistema depredador pro que no existe la explotacion del hombre por el hombre como defiende el Capitalismo y el nacional Socialismo ya que provienen de la misma cosmovisión Darwinista del mundo, mentalidad engendrada en las elites germanas del siglo XIX para justificar su modelo de explotación cuando dominaban y esclavizaban a medio mundo.

    De esta mentalidad es de donde parte ese racismo, supremacismo, y depredación que modernizo Hitler.

    El 90% de la inmigración que sufre un pais , es fruto de la desesperación y producido por la miseria que crea la explotación de la Burguesia en otros paises, contribuyendo ademas activamente en desestabilizar gobiernos y instaurar titeres para mantener acceso a mano de obra barata y recursos gratis. Asi es como se produce la inmigración, pro necesidad que es la mayoría.

    Naciones que vivien en el intenracionalismo, en la colaboracion entre naciones, donde no existe la depredación de unos sobre otros y unos se apoyan para progresar con otros, no hay necesidad de inmigrar, abandonar a familiares y a tu tierra. Igual que paso en la URSS, conglomerado formado por multiples etnias, naciones, religiones , idiomas y dialectos y no existio mestizaje ninguno, no por racismo ni mucho menos ( para nada ) si no por que el del caucaso o el Chichi de Siberia no tenia ninguna necesidad en dejar a sus seres queridos y su tierra para ir a Moscú. Hubieron casos de mineros Ukranianos que se iban a Rusia a trabajar por los sueldos pero salvo exepciones en momentos puntuales siempre hubo zonas definidas etnicamente, por una cuestion muy muy muy basica.Si no se crea miseria ni explotacion, nadie va a arrastrar su culo miles de km a otro sitio a ser tratado como basura a limpiar los suelos a algun europeo.

    Lo que predica el Capitalismo y el Nacional Socialismo es la depredación, la imposición de unos intereses sobre otros, asi es como se crea miseria, degeneración y por ende violencia.

    Colaborador estrella
    Colaborador estrella

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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:43 pm

    Hilos destacados cuya lectura es obligatoria por que has incidido en ciertos puntos que hay que abordar. O los afrontas y rebates o los asimilas.

    Sobre las acusaciones de Genocidio del socialismo que recientemente adopto la propaganda anticomunista para equiparar al NAZIsmo o incuso sobrepasarlo para justificar su ilegalización en muchos paises.
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    Más de la actuación del Ejercito Rojo en la guerra, en este caso el tema de las "violaciones"
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    Gulags mito y realidad:
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    Aqui tienes una recopilacion de lo que fue la Guerra de Exterminio en el Este:

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    Y esto de regalo de un foro NAZI:

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    Como he dicho anteriormente un individuo por muy mestizado que este siempre en él hay una raza predominante que sirve como guía para catalogársele en una de las razas, y la forma de comprobar cuál es la raza predominante en su composición es analizando sus rasgo. Si la persona es blanca pelo rubio pero con rasgo de indio, la persona es de raza indígena, así de simple sin necesidad de muchas vueltas.

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    Esa chica será blanca, pero es India. (ese video siempre lo uso porque es la perfecta india castiza)

    Lo impresionante del caso es que todos sus rasgos son indios pero muchísimos más refinados que los indígenas con mayor pureza racial, de igual forma pasa con sus facciones, son de indias pero mejoradas de hecho vean a los 5 segundos cuando ella sale de lado. Sin embargo como todo no es perfecto ella presenta mejoras de los rasgo y mejoras de facciones indígenas pero no tiene mejora en cuanto a la frente, la tiene corta como la suele tener los individuo de raza no aria.

    Quizás por ello los indígenas les encantan ligarse con los blancos, ya que de antemano saben que mediante este proceso pueden mejorar su raza en cuanto a apariencia física se refiere (porque todos envidian la apariencia de los blancos).

    **Mi opinión personal en cuanto al tema.

    ¿Cómo se le hace entrar en razón a una persona como esta chica que no es blanca sino que es india?

    Las personas como esa chica reniegan ser indio y toman este calificativo como un insulto, y optan por calificarse como blanco cuando eso si es verdad que es un acto de racismo verdaderos ya que reniega de sus verdaderas raíces.


    Algo increible el subdesarrollo y palurdismo de estos degenerados.

    Despues de verlo unas 6 veces, y stoppear el video, puedo decir que si, es bueno saber sobre como identificar, hay que educar a la gente blanca para que no se mescle con cualquiera.

    Los individuos son de venezuela el primero y el segundo de argentina.

    En cuanto a los indios que se creen blancos, en fin, patético. Más les baldría aprender de algunos de sus hermanos que están treméndamente orgullosos de ser indios.

    Bueno a esa chica no la catalogaria de amerindia, sino de posible mestiza, pues siendo rubia ya carece de ¨pureza racial¨ suficiente como para encajar en la clasificacion de amerindia.

    Otro argentino

    ¿es necesario recurrir a la extrema xenofobia?, nada es perfecto y siempre hay margenes de error a tratar, consideremos a esta gente margenes de error que al aumentar la expansion del hombre blanco seran absorvidas atraves de mestizajes hasta lograr desaparecer sus pocos rasgos indios.

    Yo creo que primero hay que recurrir a apartar las razas, me refiero a nergos blancos asiaticos y latinos o tribus americanas.Me refiero a tratar de apaliar la interracialidad.

    Osea, esta gente esta invadiendo un continente NO BLANCO y hablan de INVASIÓN de indios y negros ¿ hay algun doctorado en retrasado mental subdesarrollado ? o es un titulo que dan cn una caja de cereales ?

    No dice que una india por ser rubia debería ser considerada como no india y por tanto entrar a ser blanca. El camarada dice que una mestiza NO es india y NO es blanca, ¿Qué es? Diarrea genética, algo que nunca debió de existir.

    Tu error es considerar a los mestizos como indios. Si hay indios de pura raza que están orgullosos de su herencia, despreciarán tanto a una mestiza como tu, por lo tanto no la considerarían india, y no deberíamos hacerlos nosotros tampoco.

    Y aqui aparece un Aleman andino jajajaaja osea, el real "ario" leed leed...

    Hola a todos!

    Mi primer post, luego me presentarè formalmente, pero el tema es muy de actualidad, ahora que todos quieren ser blancos, arios y ns.

    1. La tenista aquella es mongola rubia, o sea eslava.
    Que interesante fenomeno el de los ruso mongoles fervientes ns ahora...y de muchos indios americanos. Es la moda, el facebk, ser ario, coleccionar aleman para poder faenarse alguna rubia e ingresar en la alta sociedad. Obvio!

    2. Mirad y leed el Capitulo Tercero de este enlace por favor:

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    No solamente èl, sino que todos los Cronistas de Yndias que he podido leer coinciden, junto a los conquistadores, que el indio es judio.
    Tanto por su fisico.
    Como por sus costumbres.
    Como por su caracter.
    Como por mucha fonètica similar al hebreo: Josè tan judìo y tan iroquès!
    Ana tan judìo y tan incaico, Sara tan judìo y tan quechua tambièn!!!

    3. Tengo 50 años y en mi tiempo solo se hablaba de 3 razas:
    Amarilla, y

    No os hagàis lìo, ya los nazis y otros siempre dijeron lo obvio, que los judìos son orientales. Oriental es Amarillo. No que los jefes mogoles tenìan esposas judìas...ellos mismos eran judìos de raza.

    Comparad fotografìas de indios piel roja, andinos, Costa de Perù y Ecuador y los verèis exactos a mongoles, japoneses, tibetanos, vietnamitas- No os confundàis por las vestimentas y nombres de idiomas.
    Digo nombres de idiomas, porque si oìs quechua y otros idiomas, su fonètica es muy parecida a los idiomas asiàticos, àrabes y ..el judìo (hebreo, yidish). Escuchad.

    Somos alemanes pero vivimos muchos años en los Andes. Y somos, mi mujer y yo, mèdicos genetistas, a màs de historiadores. Todo lo cual facilita entender estas cosas.

    4. Lo de rubio poco significa, por los tintes y decoloramiento: que parece lo tiene la chica del comercial, decoloramiento y luego tinte atenuador.

    No olvidar que hasta a los blancos se nos oscurece el pelo con los años-

    5. No olvidar los niños nazis que se criaron en Amèrica, enviados por sus padres luego de las aleccionadoras masacres de Eisenhower: 2 millones de alemanes murieron -cercados por alambradas y metralletas- en la intemperie de hambre!!!! Por favor mirar esto:
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    Y que la persecuciòn continùa, decìdmelo a mi..!

    6. No olvidar las decenas de miles de violaciones cometidas por los ruso mongoles (ahora nazis) en Alemania y esos niños obligados a nacer..
    Los lideres aliados hablaron y ejecutaron el exterminio de la Raza Blanca entonces! Incluidos no sòlo alemanes, naturalmente.
    Quedamos muchìsimo menos del 8 % que supuestamente eramos el 2002. Y de esos muchos -a base de alucinògenos- fueron y son convertidos al homosexualismo y lesbianismo:
    No importa, menos pero, por lo tanto, con màs esencia!!

    7. Sì, claro, la chica del comercial es mestiza india o judia, decolorada y tinturada.

    Ub Gran Saludo, SH!

    Si nos ceñimos cien por cien a las leyes de la naturaleza, una vez que la raza blanca se uniese debería conquistar continentes y exterminar a sus habitantes. Tampoco creo que haya que hacer eso ... Simplemente despreocuparnos de ellos y cuando haga falta tierras bien sea para viviendas o para cultivo conquistar más lugares.

    Algo brutal , de un Chileno jajajajaajajajaa

    Primero es que mi interes en preservar a la raza Blanca está mas que nada en el hecho que deseo una humanidad mejor: mas responsable, mas trabajadora, mas creativa, etc y sólo puede encontrarse ese tipo humano en un numero suficiente y util en la elite de la raza Blanca, pero para proteger esa elite, esa verdadera aristocracia natural hay que proteger a toda la raza Blanca que es su pilar, o dicho en terminos naturalistas su superorganismo simbionte.

    Luego está el hecho que convivir con otras razas siempre será un peligro en terminos raciales y culturales
    -raciales: porque todas las razas pueden mezclarse generar descendencia fertil y perderse asi para siempre el potencial unico que tenemos como raza creativa.
    -culturales: porque para relacionarse con gente no-Blanca hay que caer al nivel conductual/motivacional e intelectual de ellos (nivel que jamas pasó de aquel de la Edad de Bronce) en lugar de tomar como referente a nuestra elite Blanca (genios del nivel de Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Kant, Marcelino Menendez Pelayo, etc).

    Yo en lo personal minimizo mi contacto con gente no-Blanca pues no sólo no tengo ningun tema en comun con ellos, sino que siendo francos ni siquiera su aspecto me es pasable (y eso sin ser ofensivo, basta ver que la mayoria de los delincuentes son desgarbados, feisimos y de facciones mestizas o no-Blancas toscas, desproporcionadas y mal formadas).

    En cuanto a la calidad humana de mestizos y no-Blancos la encuentro igual, ambos son el tipo de gente materialista, que cree que con dinero todo se compra (en especial compran autos celulares y rubias), que anda siempre echandole la culpa a otros de todo... que dice ser orgulloso de su cultura pero que en realidad es una ¨cultura para turistas¨ llena de exotismo, tabues, celebraciones inventadas recientemente, y que mas encima ya estan totalmente domesticados y urbanizados por lo que serian incapaces de vivir el estilo que les corresponde... que quema fundos y mas encima exige ¨reparaciones¨, que usa becas por ser de una ¨etnia¨ y tiene el descaro de decir que los otros son discriminadores... en fin.

    Tambien quiero decir que sin razas de color no existiria mestizaje y que la gente saque la conclusion que quiera de eso, pero es un hecho... ademas que el respeto a la Naturaleza y sus leyes no debe ser malentendido como un hippismo pacifista sino como un dinamismo constante para la supervivencia, por ejemplo la vida tambien implica combatir las plagas y erradicarlas si estas ponen en peligro la propia supervivencia.

    Yo por supuesto que quisiera vivir en un mundo donde sólo gente trabajadora, hermosa, noble exista... por eso mismo quiero un mundo Blanco. ¿Como llegar a ese mundo? es obvio que por una via totalmente pacifica es imposible (pero por otra parte este mundo actual sionista existe gracias a cientos de millones de muertos por el comunismo, y la ¨democracia¨ durante la SGM y en la post-guerra a costado y cuesta aun mas)...

    Lo que propongo es primero practicar una especie de ¨egoismo racial¨ es decir siempre poner a los intereses raciales primero, siempre que haya que ayudar a un niño pobre asegurarse que sea a un Blanco, pues toda ayuda que se da a una persona no-Blanca no sólo es indulgencia y desconsideracion hacia nuestra raza hoy en peligro, sino derechamente una traicion y una colaboracion con el enemigo (pues tarde o temprano como van las cosas un descendiente de ese niño Blanco va a ser un mesticista, un parasito social o un asesino de Blancos)

    Bueno a mi juicio quiza el unico pueblo no-Blanco respetable es Japon, pero si ellos se convertirian en amenaza, lo justo, lo etico, e incluso lo deseable es luchar contra ellos con todas las fuerzas pues de esa lucha saldria a flote el mejor.

    Entonces, si alguien me pregunta qué territorio corresponde a nuestra Raza, yo pienso que es EL MUNDO ENTERO, por más que suene demasiado "imperialista", poco pacifista e intolerante. Camaradas: reservemos la tolerancia y la paz para vincularnos con otros blancos, porque mientras nosotros predicamos la paz universal y la tolerancia, el enemigo nos destruye y nos ha llevado al borde de la extinción.

    No puedo estar más de acuerdo contigo.

    Y como bien decís, es cierto que muchos camaradas optan por un discurso suavizado para no asustar al resto, pero en este momento estamos participando en una comunidad nacionalista blanca donde se permite la más amplia libertad de expresión (aunque sí, bajo ciertos límites, como no incitar a actividades ilícitas).

    Nosotros no pretendemos imponer nuestra cultura a pueblos incapaces de asimilarla (véase el caso de África, donde nuestros hermanos blancos están pagando el haber intentado ayudar a los negros, bridándoles educación, sanidad y ventajas que por sí solos nunca han desarrollado).

    Nosotoros no creemos en utopías pacifistas o conciliadoras. No pudimos permitirnos ese lujo a principios del siglo XX, cuando nuestra raza constituía el 35 % de la población mundial, y menos hoy, que somos el 8 %. Fíjense que el III Reich brindó a los judíos la posibilidad de formar su propio Estado fuera de Europa, pero ellos no estaban dispuestos a perder un palmo de terreno y le declararon a Alemania la guerra más cruenta que se conozca en la historia mundial, en la cual los perdedores fuimos NOSOTROS y cuyas consecuencias todavía estamos pagando.

    Entonces, camaradas, es el momento de dejar de preocuparnos por las demás razas. Podemos forjar alianzas CIRCUNSTANCIALES, pero en algún momento, y de forma natural, nuestros intereses chocarán y será la hora de imponer la fuerza, voluntad y el potencial que caracteriza a nuestra Raza y extender nuestros dominios.

    This time the World!

    Es flipante lo que se escribe. Roza el más absoluto subrealismo y en cada frase se destila la herencia de esa ideologia enferma fundada en las mentes englosajonas.

    Van de victimas los hijso de puta cuando han estado arrasando todo el mundo y enriqueciendose a costa de masacrar y esclavizar a los pueblos del mundo. Esto es FLIPANTE.

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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:44 pm

    Aqui vemos un reflejo más del Darwinismo interpretado por Hitler al estilo "austriaco" donde decía que el hombre ario germano alemán era la creación más bella y perfecta de Dios y que las demás razas tenian la obligación natural de protegerla como maximo exponente evolutivo. Eso explica, de una forma religiosa ( que es la interpretación creacionista que se le da al darwinismo y la competencia de las especies ) la necesidad de subyugarse a los intereses y designios del hombre blanco anglosajón. Es el sueño humedo de todo buen caballero anglosajon de las altas esferas. A un capitalista se la pone dura esta mierda. Una pseudoreligión que predica la esclavización y la explotación.

    A ver, la muchacha del oboe no sólo no es fea, sino que yo afirmaría que es bastante guapa, al menos para mi gusto.

    Tal y como apunta Karcharodon Karcharias, no existe ningún País Vasco, existe Euskal Herria (una nación europea que está integrada por Vizcaya, Álava, Guipúzcoa, Navarra, Baja Navarra, Lapurdi y Zuberoa). Los vascos no son españoles, aunque algunos españoles compartan genética con los vascos.
    El separatismo es lo mejor tanto para Euskal Herria como para los hispanos de raza blanca de otros territorios. España, en mi opinión, es un auténtico engendro... y de la Hispanidad mejor ni hablamos.

    No estoy de acuerdo, Blanc0, en que los vascos y británicos sean el mejor ejemplo de pureza... claro, es obvio que en el país de los ciegos (España), el tuerto (vascos) es el rey, pero encuentro al pueblo alemán muy superior en nobleza, lealtad y sobre todo en inteligencia a los vascos... comparemos la creatividad de unos y otros... ¡no hay color!

    Si algunos británicos son mejores y comparables a los alemanes, no es por el sustrato racial que comparten con los vascos, sino por el aporte germánico anglosajón y danés.

    El exterminio de los germanos será para Europa (y ojo, para el propio planeta) como la muerte de Balder... la antesala del Ragnarök.

    La nobleza se encuentra en muchos pueblos de la Tierra, blancos y no blancos... incluso en algunas tribus de negros. No obstante, sólo el pueblo germano posee el atributo divino de la creatividad, además de una capacidad artística, mística y científica netamente superior a cualquier otro.

    Esta gente realmente esta enferma y predica con las mismas tesis de hace siglo y medio que promulgaban los anglosajones para justificar su Imperialismo economico sobre el resto del mundo.

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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:45 pm

    Hostias, que peligrosa es la ignorancia.

    Como no actueis en su medida camarada al final se nos caen los hilos

    Vamos a ver.


    El Generalplan Ost (GPO) fue un plan secreto nazi de genocidio1 y limpieza étnica, concebido para ser realizado en los territorios ocupados por Alemania en Europa del Este durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El plan, preparado en los años 1939-1940, era parte del propio plan de Adolf Hitler de ampliar el Lebensraum alemán y la realización de la ideología del Drang nach Osten a favor de una expansión alemana hacia el este.

    El grupo encargado del esbozo de este plan fue la Oficina Central de Seguridad del Reich (Reichssicherheitshauptamt - RSHA), el órgano de seguridad de las SS que era responsable en la lucha contra todos los enemigos del Nazismo. Se trata de un documento estrictamente confidencial y su contenido era conocido solo por aquellos que se encontraban en el más alto nivel de la jerarquía nazi.
    Según el testimonio del SS-Standartenführer Dr. Hans Ehlich (uno de los testigos en el caso VIII anterior a los Juicios secundarios de Nürenberg), la versión final fue elaborada en 1940. Como un alto oficial de la RSHA, Ehlich era el responsable de la redacción del Generalplan Ost. Un precedente a este había sido el Ostforshung, una serie de estudios y proyectos de investigación llevados a cabo a lo largo de varios años por centros académicos para proveer la información necesaria. Las versiones preliminares fueron discutidas por el jefe de la SS Heinrich Himmler y sus colegas más confiables, incluso antes del estallido de la guerra. Esta circunstancia fue mencionada por el SS-Obergruppenführer Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski durante su testimonio en el juicio de oficiales de la Oficina Central de Raza y Asentamiento de la SS (SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt).
    Casi toda la documentación del tiempo de la guerra sobre el Generalplan Ost fue deliberadamente destruida poco después de la derrota alemana en mayo de 1945.2 Luego, no se encontró ninguna copia del plan después de la guerra entre los documentos guardados en los archivos alemanes. No obstante, el hecho de que tal documento fue creado y usado por oficiales nazis está fuera de duda. Además del testimonio de Ehlich, existen varios documentos que hacen referencia a este plan o lo complementan. Aunque ninguna copia del documento real sobrevivió, muchos de los elementos esenciales del plan han sido reconstruidos a partir de memorandum, resumenes y otros documentos auxiliares.
    Un documento principal que hizo posible la recreación del contenido del Generalplan Ost con gran precisión es un memo del 27 de abril de 1942 titulado Stellungnahme und Gedanken zum Generalplan Ost des Reichsführers SS ("Opiniones e ideas referentes al Plan General para el Este, del Reichsführer) y escrito por dr. Erich Wetzel, el director de la Oficina central de consejería sobre las cuestiones de política racial en el Partido Nacionalsocialista Alemán de los Trabajadores.

    ¿Os vale así o necesitais algo mas para enteraros?
    Y como resultado de ello hay 20 millones de civiles sovieticos masacrados en la segunda guerra mundial, el triple de judios.

    Tambien el 80% de prisioneros sovieticos del Ejercito Rojo que murieron en cautiverio y en campos de concentración.

    Propaganda supremacista y racista Nazi respecto a los rusos bolcheviques.

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    These sadistically tortured and hanged Russian men were not partisans. They were Red Army soldiers, common prisoners-of-war captured by the Wehrmacht.
    Take notice that they were tortured and murdered not by the SS or Einsatzgruppen, but by regular German troops near the front line. On the right photo above: this barbarically mutilated Russian soldier was found crucified and frozen to death near Stalingrad, after the city had been liberated.

    las ultimas imagenes corresponden a la Whermatch, osease, que no eran siquiera los psicopatas de las SS o Einsatzgruppen. Soldados crucificados del Ejercito rojo y prendidos fuego vivos. Esto es lo que hacian con SOLDADOS, imaginaos lo que tubieron que hacer para cargarse 20 millones de civiles. Algo alucinante.

    El pasatiempo de la Whermatch con soldados prisioneros. Les hacian cavar su propia tumba , hacian fotos, se jactaban y los ejecutaban , todo esto, con fotitos como sourvenir del frente.

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    The Note from People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Vyacheslav Molotov, dated 25 November 1941, contained the following appalling details:

    "Members of the Soviet Red Army, when being captured by the German Wehrmacht, were tortured with red-hot irons, their eyes were put out, legs, arms, ears and nose were cut off, their stomach slit open, they were tied to tanks and torn to pieces . . . "

    The mass burning alive of peaceful, non-combatant
    peasant Russians: women, children, and elderly people
    locked up in their wooden huts, barns, granaries, or churches
    used to be a favourite "game" of the barbarian German soldiery

    "... Confident in approaching victory, the Germans took a sadistic pleasure in the repression. How agreeable to combine duty and sport; to bask in the glow of the crusader while enjoying the particular physical pleasure which so many Germans derive from the infliction of pain. In the long summer evenings "man hunts" used to be organised on the slightest pretext, villages surrounded, set alight, and the inhabitants "beaten" like rising game birds and cut down in the streets.
    Then it was rewarding to loot the dwellings for "souvenirs" and to send these, and photographs of the scene, to friends and the family back in Germany. Accompanied, for instance, with such an inscription as this one: '... here is a lock of hair from a Russian girl. Before the death she fought like a wild-cat and was quite subhuman (Untermensch) . . .' "

    From the book Barbarossa, by Alan Clark, New York, Morrow, 1965, page 154.

    La mente enferma y psicopata de las tropas NAZIs estaban tan adoctrinadas y tenian tanta FE en su nazismo que consideraban animales al resto, y se dedicaban a la caza en la retaguardia con civiles, se hacian fotos con las "piezas de caza" y las mandaban a sus mujeres y familias a alemania!! Shocked Shocked Shocked


    This Russian boy with a dove in his hand, Vitya (Victor) Cherevichkin by name, was killed by German soldiers just for nothing in Rostov, 1941 . . . The Wehrmacht "warriors" used to commit their heinous crimes simply out of the feeling of impunity and for sadistic pleasure.

    A Monument to Vitya Cherevichkin in Rostov Before killing him, the German pigs had cruelly beaten and mutilated Vitya Cherevichkin. They were kicking the boy in the head with their heavy boots so that his face became difficult to recognize when his mother found him dead among the other victims on the next day in the city park.
    Obviously, at the final moment of his life Vitya Cherevichkin decided to release his favourite dove that was hidden in his bosom . . . But it was too late – in the next second the boy and his dove were shot and killed by the smiling Wehrmacht soldiers.

    Which is just another one reason why we Russians hate moronic smiles!

    When on 14th February 1943 Soviet troops liberated the city of Rostov-on-Don they found that 40,000 civilian inhabitants had been killed by the Germans, while another 53,000 Russian people had been deported to the forced labour camps in the Third Reich. Totally, during the occupation, the German brutes murdered 13,000,000 peaceful Russian civilians: women, children and old people.

    A monument to Vitya Cherevichkin was erected in Rostov-on-Don near the site of his martyrized death.

    ". . . The atrocities of the 'Death's Head' (Totenkopf) units of the SS which systematically murdered schoolchildren and poured gasolin over hospital inmates were the expression of a deliberate policy of terror, 'justified' by half-baked racial notions, but implemented with a perverse and sadistic relish . . ."

    From the book Barbarossa, by Alan Clark, New York, Morrow, 1965, page 417

    la historia de este niño entre todas las demas, inspiro a muchos solados del Ejercito Rojo que se batieron formidablemente contra los pertutbados NAZIs y sus aliados fascistas.

    Este niño salio a la calle en su ciudad ocupada por los NAZIs a liberar a su paloma, fue interceptado por unos NAZIs . Lo mataron y estubieron mutilandolo por placer despues incluso de muerto.

    Este es Vitya Cherevichkin

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    Asesinato de niños sovieticos , torturados y ejecutados por NAZIs. Vete a saber tu que más hicieron estos perturbados a niños... Los muertos y quemados, no pueden hablar, y como era el pasatiempo de esta escoria incinerar a civiles vivos asi uno quitaba pruebas de que mas hacian a los niños, niñas y mujeres.

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    Una madre con sus hijos asesinada, incluido el bebe de dos meses que hay en el pecho de ella.
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    Esto es la esencia de la perturbación maxima que crea el capitalismo. Uno ya se cree la raza superior y llama al resto subhumanos, y al final, a esa bestia no se la puede ni considerar ni un animal. No existe animal capaz de hacer algo semejante en la naturaleza, solo la escoria residual del capitalismo , la moral perturbada que crea es capaz de convertir a Humanos , en autenticos monstruos.

    While the treatment of POW's by the Germans was extremely harsh, it was not as bad as the treatment of Russian civilians, who for the most part had not even fought the Germans.
    Nazi propaganda had convinced the men in the Wehrmacht to view the Russians as a "conglomeration of animals." The Germans under their Nazi leaders were insanely bent upon the enslavement or butchery of all "Untermenschen" – "subhumans".
    This policy was implemented in the criminal orders which provided the German army with a blank cheque for the mass killing of civilians. And this they did.
    A resident of Leningrad at the time noted that the Germans "killed without regarding age or sex." No safety was guaranteed to refugees. By late July 1941, the German army went as far as to start shooting all refugees. Russian civilians were also shot for such reasons as breaking curfew or being caught outside without a pass. In an effort to hamper partisan activity, houses in which the Germans thought partisans were hiding were burned with the occupants inside.

    Civiles refugiados que intentaban escapar del avance de las hordas NAZIs , masacrados con ametralladoras.

    " . . . [ During the occupation ] if a German thought, as he passed you in the street, that you had given him a dirty look, that was enough. To kill a human being – it was as easy as stepping on a worm and squashing it! . . . "

    From the book Russia At War, 1941-1945, by Alexander Werth, London, Pan Books Ltd., 1964, page 794.

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    "The instruction for a German soldier in Russia" which was in use by Wehrmacht's personnel, read:
    'You should not either to take things to heart or to worry.
    Forget your sympathy and compassion.
    Kill any Russian or Soviet citizen.
    Do never stop at anything, whether you see an old man, or a woman, or a boy, or a girl in front of you.
    It will save you from death.
    It will provide your family with a future.
    It will bring eternal glory to you.'

    Source: [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]
    See also: Conduct of Troops in Eastern Territories
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    A German Field Marshal Instructs the Wehrmacht on Its Role in the Soviet Union.

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    Mujer violada y asesinada con su hijo llorando.....
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    Collective measures were also used against civilians. For instance on January 30, 1942, after a German sled had driven on some mines in the vicinity of the village of Novye Ladomiry, the whole male population of the village was shot and the houses burned down as a 'collective measure'. With the Germans treating the peaceful civilian population like this it is no wonder they quickly deserved profound hatred.

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    Immediately after another one Belorussian, Ukrainian or Russian town being captured, the first action invariably taken by the Wehrmacht (I emphasize: by the Wehrmacht!) was mass public executions – usually the summary hanging from the main street balconies, and everywhere around the town, of several dozens of local inhabitants, caught at random in the streets and branded as 'communists', just to intimidate the rest of the population and to show them clearly who was to be from now on a 'New Master' here.

    As a rule, all the hanged innocent victims' corpses were to remain dangling from the ropes along the streets for a week's time, or so. In order to enforce and prolong the intimidation effect the Germans would not allow to remove and bury the hanged people until their bodies would begin to decompose.

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    Now, a bit of terrible arithmetic.
    If we accept the minimum number of the people hanged by the German invaders in each newly captured Russian TOWN as 12 persons only, and the minimum number of those hanged in each newly captured Russian VILLAGE as 6 persons, then we shall come to the following figures:
    1,700 captured Russian towns multiplied by 12 = 20,400 hanged persons.
    70,000 captured Russian villages mulitplied by 6 = 42,000 hanged persons.
    The total sum is 62,400 peaceful Russian civilian people hanged in each Russian town and village on the FIRST DAY OF THE GERMAN OCCUPATION just only for the purpose of intimidation.

    Remember: this total of 62,400 hanged innocent people is ONLY the number of "the first day victims", without counting all the other innumerable deliberately merciless, sadistic and systematic murders of Russian civilians during the whole period of the German occupation in 1941 – 1944, which eventually resulted in a total of 13 million Russian civilian non-combatant innocent martyrs.
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    " . . . The public executions of 'communists' and other 'suspects' – usually branded 'partisans' – were common practice in the towns and villages occupied by the Germans. Since these executions frequently took place 'on the first day' of the occupation, they were apparently the work not of any special detachments under Himler, but of members of the Army itself . . . The fact that executions were carried out by the Army is persistently denied by German generals, but, according to the Russian eyewitnesses I saw in 1942, it was 'ordinary soldiers' who did the hanging . . . "

    From the book Russia At War, 1941-1945, by Alexander Werth, London, Pan Books Ltd., 1964, page 348.

    Ahora fotos , Souvenirs de soldados NAZIs que mandaban a sus madres , mujeres y familias de alemania. Vamos, perturbados, todos. Se ve que esta practica es comun entre los anglosajones,(vease IRAK)

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    Ahora comparemos con las fotos Souvenir del Ejercito Rojo.

    La cara de la escoria NAZI lo dice todo, jajajajaja. Solo espero que pagase por todo este aborto de animal humano.
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    Que alguien encuentre una sola foto de solados Sovieticos posando y jactandose de las ejecuciones o muertes que hacen cual trofeos.

    As a New-York-based historian, T. Kunikov, correctly writes:

    "The worst atrocities, committed on both sides on the Eastern Front, were official policy on the German side, and spontaneous acts of disobedience on the Soviet side."
    "This is very important to understand when viewing the differences of both army's and governments. It was the POLICY of the Wehrmacht and the Third Reich/Nazi Party/Hitler to let their armed forces/soldiers commit atrocities on the Eastern front, the same simply cannot be said for the Red Army."

    Source: Kunikov Blog

    Esto son las hordaz NAZIs muertos al lado de Stalingrado

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    Pagaron no como merecian loq ue hicieron pero algo se llevaron.

    Última edición por SS-18 el Jue Nov 17, 2011 3:06 pm, editado 1 vez
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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:46 pm

    A ver quien dice que esto era una guerra NORMAL. las escusas nazis son delirantes vamos, nada más fuera de toda realidad.

    Ordenes NAZIs del frente del Este:
    El original: [Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]

    The document below is, with minor alterations for clarity's sake, the official English-language translation of the original German document as presented in evidence at the Nuremberg military tribunals assembled in order to try suspected war criminals. The original German document is also available. (source: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust: Selected Documents in Eighteen Volumes. Vol. 10: The Einsatzgruppen or Murder Commandos [New York: Garland, 1982], pp. 11-12])

    In this document, Field Marshal Walter von Reichenau (1884-1942) of the German Sixth Army, in the southern sector of the German assault on the Soviet Union, reacts to reports of the softness of his troops by instilling them with particularly strong statements about their role in suppressing communism and Soviet Jewry. Reichenau was known as one of the most strongly Nazi of the leading German Wehrmacht (army) commanders. He died of a stroke only a few months after he issued this document to his troops. Other German commanders in the Soviet Union also used this document to instruct their troops. For further information, see Omer Bartov, Hitler's Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in the Third Reich (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), pp. 129-30.

    Translation of Document No. NOKW-309 Continued Copy AOK 6

    Sect. Ia-File No. 7

    Army H.Qu., 10 October 1941

    Subject: Conduct of Troops in Eastern Territories.

    Regarding the conduct of troops towards the bolshevistic system, vague ideas are still prevalent in many cases. The most essential aim of war against the Jewish-bolshevistic system is a complete destruction of their means of power and the elimination of Asiatic influence from the European culture. In this connection the troops are facing tasks which exceed the one-sided routine of soldiering. The soldier in the Eastern territories is not merely a fighter according to the rules of the art of war but also a bearer of ruthless national ideology and the avenger of bestialities which have been inflicted upon German and racially related nations.

    Therefore the soldier must have full understanding for the necessity of a severe but just revenge on subhuman Jewry. The Army has to aim at another purpose, i.e. the annihilation of revolts in hinterland, which, as experience proves, have always been caused by Jews.

    The combating of the enemy behind the front line is still not being taken seriously enough. Treacherous, cruel partisans and degenerate women are still being made prisoners-of-war and guerilla fighters dressed partly in uniform or plain clothes and vagabonds are still being treated as proper soldiers, and sent to prisoner-of-war camps. In fact, captured Russian officers talk even mockingly about Soviet agents moving openly about the roads and very often eating at German field kitchens. Such an attitude of the troops can only be explained by complete thoughtlessness, so it is now high time for the commanders to clarify the meaning of the pressing struggle.

    The feeding of the natives and of prisoners-of-war who are not working for the Armed forces from Army kitchens is an equally misunderstood humanitarian act as is the giving of cigarettes and bread. Things which the people at home can spare under great sacrifices and things which are being bought by the command to the front under great difficulties, should not be given to the enemy by the soldier even if they originate from booty. It is an important part of our supply.

    When retreating the Soviets have often set buildings on fire. The troops should be interested in extinguishing of fires only as far as it is necessary to secure sufficient numbers of billets. Otherwise the disappearance of symbols of the former bolshevistic rule even in the form of buildings is part of the struggle of destruction. Neither historic nor artistic considerations are of any importance in the Eastern territories. The command issues the necessary directives for the securing of raw material and plants, essential for war economy. The complete disarming of the civilian population in the rear of the fighting troops is imperative considering the long vulnerable lines of communications. Where possible, captured weapons and ammunition should be stored and guarded. Should this be impossible because of the situation of the battle, the weapons and ammunition will be rendered useless. If isolated partisans are found using firearms in the rear of the army drastic measures are to be taken. These measures will be extended to that part of the male population who were in a position to hinder or report the attacks. The indifference of numerous apparently anti-Soviet elements which originates from a "wait and see" attitude, must give way to a clear decision for active collaboration. If not, no one can complain about being judged and treated a member of the Soviet system.

    The fear of German counter-measures must be stronger than threats of the wandering bolshevistic remnants. Regardless of all future political considerations the soldier has to fulfill two tasks:

    1.) Complete annihilation of the false Bolshevist doctrine of the Soviet State and its armed forces.

    2.) The pitiless extermination of foreign treachery and cruelty and thus the protection of the lives of military personnel in Russia.

    This is the only way to fulfill our historic task to liberate the German people once and for all from the Asiatic-Jewish danger.


    (signed) von Reichenau

    Field Marshal
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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:49 pm

    En este link dejo toda la recopilacion de datos y informacion a DEBATE sobre esta guerra de exterminio , la recreacion más barbara y genocida industrialmente de la explotación germana engendrada en las mentes enfermas de las elites de los anglosajones del siglo XIX

    Gracias Astrucon, ya me gustaria a mi aportar lo mismo que tu al foro! Wink

    COntinuo con las cifras.

    Aqui hay un PDF en frances sobre las masacres de la Whermatch.
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    Crimenes de la Whermatch en el este
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    Polish POWs

    See also: Massacre in Ciepielów

    Numerous examples exist in which Polish soldiers were killed after capture, for instance at Śladów where 252 prisoners of war (POW)s were shot or drowned, at Ciepielów where some 300 POWs were killed, and at Zambrów where a further 300 POWs were killed. Polish POWs of Jewish origin were routinely selected and shot on the spot.[6] The prisoners of the POW camp in Żyrardów, captured after the Battle of the Bzura, were denied any food and starved for 10 days.[7] In many cases Polish POWs, once captured, were burned alive.[4][8] Units of the Polish 7th Infantry Division were massacred after being captured in several individual acts of revenge for their defence in combat. On September 11, Wehrmacht soldiers threw hand grenades into a school building where they kept Polish POWs

    Mass rapes during invasion of Poland

    Rapes were committed by Wehrmacht forces on women and girls during the Invasion of Poland.[4]

    Rapes were also committed against Polish women and girls during mass executions carried out primarily by the Selbstschutz, which were accompanied by Wehrmacht soldiers and on territory under the administration of the German military; the rapes were carried-out before shooting female captives.[9]

    Only one case of rape was prosecuted by German court during the military campaign in Poland, the case of mass rape by German soldiers committed by three soldiers against the Jewish family of Kaufmann in Busko-Zdrój; however the German judge sentenced the guilty for Rassenschande - shame against the [German] race as defined by racial policy of Nazi Germany and not rape

    Flipante. Solo un caso en polonia de violacion por parte de soldados Alemanes fue condenado y juzgado, POR QUE VIOLO A UNA FAMILIA JUDIA y eso atentaba contra la pureza se sangre! MALDITAS ESCORIAS! jajajaj

    Destruction of Warsaw
    See also: Battle of Warsaw (1939) and Warsaw Uprising
    During World War II 85% of buildings in Warsaw were destroyed by German troops.

    Up to 13,000 soldiers and between 120,000 and 200,000 civilians were killed by German-led forces during the Warsaw Uprising. At least 5,000 German regular soldiers assisted the SS in crushing the Polish resistance, most of them reserve units.[11] Human shields were used by German forces during the fighting

    Dejo esto por si alguien se encuentra a algun polaco , que los hay y muchos que dicen que los sovieticos eran peores que los NAZIs.

    Barbarossa Decree

    The background behind the Barbarossa Decree was laid out by Adolf Hitler during high level meeting with military officials on March 30, 1941[13], where he declared that war against Soviet Russia will be a war of extermination, in which both the political and intellectual elites of Russia will be eradicated by German forces, in order to ensure long lasting German victory[13].Hitler underlined that executions won't be the matter for military courts, but for organised action of the military[13]. The decree, issued by Field Marshal Keitel a few weeks before Operation Barbarossa, exempted punishable offences committed by enemy civilians (in Russia) from the jurisdiction of military justice. Suspects were to be brought before an officer who would decide if they were to be shot. Prosecution of offenses against civilians by members of the Wehrmacht was decreed to be "not required" unless necessary for the maintenance of discipline. The order specified:

    * "The partisans are to be ruthlessly eliminated in battle or during attempts to escape," and all attacks by civilian population against Wehrmacht soldiers are to be "suppressed by the army on the spot by using extreme measures, till annihilation of the attackers';
    * Every officer in the German occupation in the East of the future will be entitled to performing execution without trial, without any formalities, on any person suspected of having a hostile attitude towards the Germans (the same applied to prisoners of war);
    * If you have not managed to identify and punish the perpetrators of anti-German acts, you are allowed to apply the principle of collective responsibility. "Collective measures" against residents of the area where the attack occurred can then be applied after approval by the battalion commander or higher level of command;
    * The German soldiers who committed crimes against humanity, the USSR and the prisoners of war were to be exempted from criminal responsibility, even if they committed acts punishable according to German law [13][14]

    The order went in line with interests of Wehrmacht command which was eager to secure logistical facilities and routes behind the frontlines for the division on the Eastern Front[14]. On May 24, 1941 Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch the head of German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres - OKH), slightly modified assumptions of "Barbarossa Jurisdiction." His orders were to use the jurisdiction only in cases where the discipline of the army wouldn't suffer. Contrary to what was claimed after the war, the Wehrmacht generals such as Heinz Guderian did not intend to mitigate the records of the jurisdiction of an order, or in any way violated the intentions of Hitler[14]. His command was intended solely to prevent an individual excesses which could damage discipline within army ranks, without changing the extermination intentions of the order[13].

    Mass Rapes

    Rapes were allowed in practice by German military in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, while northern and western countries were spared[15] Historian Szymon Datner wrote in his work about fate of POW's taken by Wehrmacht that thousands of Soviet female nurses, doctors and field medics fell victim to rape when captured during the war, and had often been murdered afterwards.[13] Ruth Seifert in War and Rape. Analytical Approaches writes: "in the Eastern territories the Wehrmacht used to brand the bodies of captured partisan women - and other women as well - with the words "Whore for Hitler's troops" and to use them accordingly."[16]

    Birgit Beck in her work Rape: The Military Trials of Sexual Crimes Committed by Soldiers in the Wehrmacht, 1939-1944 describes the leniency in punishing sex crimes by German authorities in the East, at the same time pointing out heavy punishments applied in the West[17] If a soldier who committed a rape was subsequently convicted by a court-martial, he would usually be sentenced to four years in prison.[18] The German penal code was also valid for soldiers in war.[19]

    Rapes were rarely prosecuted in practice however; in Denmark where German rapes weren't widespread, even though German officials promised to punish them, this was far from being the case[15].

    Rape by Germans of non-German women wasn't taken seriously, nor was it punishable by death, especially in territories of Eastern Europe[20].

    In Soviet Russia rapes were only a concern if they undermined military discipline[17]. The German military command viewed them as another method to crush Soviet resistance [20] Since 1941, rape was theoretically punishable with the death sentence, however this was only concerning the rapes of German women and was intended to protect the German communities[20].

    In October 1940 the laws on rape were changed, making it a "petitioned crime"-that is a crime for which punishment had to be requested. Historian Christa Paul writes that this resulted in “a nearly complete absence of prosecution and punishment for rapes”[20].They were rape cases in the east where the perpetrators were sentenced;if the rape was highly visible, and damaging to image of German Army, the courts were willing to pass a condemning verdict against the accused[20].

    According to historian Regina Mühlhäuser Wehrmacht also used sexual torture and undressing in numerous cases of interrogations[21]

    The estimates regarding the rapes of Soviet women by Wehrmacht reach up to 10,000,000 cases, with between 750,000 and 1,000,000 children born as a result.

    Se estima que las mujeres violadas por la Wehrmatch sobrepasa las 10.000.000 de mujeres y niñas violadas.

    Esto era parte de la politica de Guerra NAZI, se consideraba que era una forma de destruir moralmente a su enemigo y no estaba penado hacer estet ipo de delitos con seres inferiores.

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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:51 pm

    Este hilo tendría que ser considerado lectura obligatoria para todos los foreros, tanto nuevos como antiguos. Llevo varias días leyendo todo lo que encuentro en internet sobre el Plan General OST. Nunca, a nadie, he oído hacer referencia a esta masacre sistemática de la que hay pruebas documentales y físicas pero, en cambio, como todos los que estamos aquí he escuchado y leído auténticas barbaridades sobre el (supuesto) genocidio de Stalin del que todo el mundo habla, todos conocen, pero nadie puede aportar ni una sola prueba consistente por una simple razón: no puedes aportar pruebas de lo que no ha sucedido nunca.

    La intención de los nazis era hacer una colonia en el territorio ruso, según Hitler la región del Este debía perder su carácter de estepa asiática y ser europeizada. Se calculaba que en unos trescientos años tendrían un parque, una especie de paraíso para la raza "superior" y, por supuesto, harían una cuidada selección de los "indígenas"




    The documentary record pertaining to the ideological foundations of Nazi colonization plans in the east, and the numerous versions of the GPO themselves is extensive.  The following is an annotated and limited list of relevant documents and suggested sources.
    Comments and Pronouncements by Adolf Hitler
    A.     1924, Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf. 8th Edition (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1939), p. 935.
    “The foreign policy of a folkish state is charged with guaranteeing the existence on this planet of the race embraced by the State, by establishing between the number and growth of the population, on the one hand, and the size and value of the soil and territory, on the other hand, a viable, natural relationship … Only a sufficiently extensive area on this globe guarantees a nation freedom of existence.”
    B.  1924, Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf. 8th Edition (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1939), p. 940.
    “The National Socialist movement must endeavor to eliminate the discrepancy between our population and our area – the latter viewed not only as a source of nourishment, but also as a point of support for power politics – between our historical past and the hopelessness of our impotence today.”
    C.  1 May 1927, Hitler quoted in the Völkischer Beobachter. See Gordon W. Prange, ed., Hitler’s Words (Washington, DC: American Council on Public Affairs, 1944), pp. 19-21.
    “As a people without power, the German people will, according to every indication, completely lose its position within the not-too-distant future.  The German people will disappear from the earth; in fact, it will perish.  This fateful question is the point of departure of our National Socialist doctrine, our Weltanschauung, and out teaching.
    What is the relationship which the population has to the soil on which it lives?  Can the soil on which a people lives support the entire population for the time being, and is it sufficient to allow for a further increase in the population?
    Germany is the Fatherland of 62,000,000 people who live together on an area which is 450,000 kilometers square.  This is a ridiculous figure when one considers the size of the other nations in the world today.
    The only thing left for a people to do, then, is to attempt an adjustment in the relationship between the area on which it lives, that is its reservoir of subsistence, and its population … even if it must be done by war.  This is the natural way which Providence has prescribed.  Providence has given the world unto man, not so that he should degenerate into Pacifism, but so that in the eternal struggle with one another the strength and vigor of man should be preserved and so that some day the greatest freedom might belong to the most vigorous and most mighty people.”
    D.  March 1928, Hitler Speech in Hamburg, Prange, Hitler’s Words, pp. 26-27.
    “Twice in history our people has drawn the sword to advantage.  The first time, when our people colonized the south and east marches with German peasants, and second, when they, here in the north, east of the Elbe, gained the territory which has been the most precious treasure of our people.  If we had not promoted these great colonies and shed the blood which gained them, what would be the situation today?  This colonization returned a high rate of interest.  The sword of those days has become the plow of today, and even today this plow assures a great part of our people its daily bread.  If ever in the future of Germany the sword must be drawn … then it must be drawn in the service of the plow – so that some day the time will come when the sword will again become the plow.”
    E. 16 July 1941, Hitler Comments, Conference in Führer Headquarters, in Czesław Madajczyk, ed., Generalny Plan Wschodni: Zbiór dokumentów (Warszawa: Glówna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce, 1990), pp. 61-64.
    On Hitler’s aims in the conquered east: “The Crimea must be cleared of all [racially] foreign peoples, as must the parts of Galicia which formerly belonged to the Austrian Empire. …We must make a Garden of Eden out of the newly won eastern territories; this is important for our future existence; [overseas] colonies play a subordinate role. … All of the Baltic lands must be annexed to the Reich.  Similarly, the Crimea, with a significant adjoining region (the region north of the Crimea) must become Reich territory.  The annexed territory must be as large as possible. … The Reich must also annex the Volga Colony and the area around Baku.”
    D. 17 October 1941, Hitler Monologue, Führer Headquarters, in Madajczyk, Generalny, pp. 69-70.
    “The [eastern] region must lose the character of the Asiatic steppe, it must be Europeanized!  It is for this purpose that we are building great highways to the southern tip of the Crime and to the Caucasus.  German cities established along these roadways will stretch like a string of pearls, and around these will be German settlements.  The two or three million people we need [for this program] can be found quicker than we think.  We will take them from Germany, the Scandinavian lands, Western Europe, and America.  Chances are that I will not live to see this, but in twenty years twenty million people will inhabit this territory.  In three hundred years we will have a blossoming parkland of extraordinary beauty!
    As for the people indigenous to the area, we will be sure to select those [of importance].  We will remove the destructive Jews entirely. … We will not enter Russian cities, they must die out completely.
    There is only one task: Germanization through the introduction of Germans [to the area] and to treat the original inhabitants like Indians. … I intend to stay this course with ice-cold determination.  I feel myself to be the executor of the will of History.  What people think of me at present is all of no consequence.  Never have I heard a German who has bread to eat express concern that the ground where the grain was grown had to be conquered by the sword.  We eat Canadian wheat and never think of the Indians.”
    Speeches and Documents: Heinrich Himmler
    A. 1935 (no day and month given) Appendix II, Ihor Kamenetsky, Secret Nazi Plans for Eastern Europe: A Study of Lebensraum Policies (New York: Bookman Associates, 1961), pp. 189-192. 
    “Without end, the steppes of the Russian area extend [to] eastern Europe.  Abrupt and sudden is the difference between the cultural levels of central Europe and the gigantic districts [to the east].  And yet, on both sides of the frontier there is the same soil, but not the same people.  Only man alone is able to impress his stamp upon the country.  Therefore, on the one side the well ordered fertility, planned harmony of fields and carefully designed villages of Germany, and on the other side the zones of an impenetrable jungle, of the steppes, of never ending primeval forests, where silting rivers painfully cut their ways.
    Badly exploited, fertile soil of black earth that could be a paradise, a California of Europe, and in reality abandoned, dreadfully neglected, branded with the stamp of a crime against culture beyond imagination even today, is a perpetual accusation against the sub-human and his rule.
    Eastern Europe never progressed beyond a certain primitiveness.  It has never known anything but chaos because it lacked mankind, the valuable bearer of culture, the genius who systematically planned peaceful reconstruction, who ordered the well designed exploitation of the immense treasures and the fertility of the soil.  This country has only known the powers of unrestricted despoiling and brutal armament for war.
    Highly civilized nations of central and western Europe set out with this country as their goal too.  Once there were the Goths and the Waraoger who founded empires here and brought civilization with them.  The Hanseatic League, Swedes, Flemish, Dutch, Swabian, and Saxonian settlers attempted to bring light into the darkness.  A voice crying for help was heard thence in all centuries.  Peter the Great, Catherine II, and all the others, whatever their names may be, called the German farmer and officer, the European scientist, physician, and engineer.”
    B.  24 October 1939, Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprachen. Edited by B.F. Smith and A.F. Peterson (Frankfurt/Main: Propyläen Verlag, 1974), pp. 124-125.
    “When we consider the issue [of eastern people], we first have to recognize that we have already long occupied ourselves with the Polish-Slavic problem … then we must clearly conclude, and thus have I received my tasks from the Führer, that in at least in the provinces which currently belong to Germany, the problem of the Polish minority must be solved, it must be eliminated in our lifetime.  The problem must be eliminated.
    This is a small piece of Asia into which we have come, and we want to push the borders of Germany still farther to the east; and with that the frontiers of Europe.”
    C.  9 June 1942, Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprachen. Edited by B.F. Smith and A.F. Peterson (Frankfurt/Main: Propyläen Verlag, 1974), pp. 145-161.
    “This war makes no sense if afterwards … Bohemia and Moravia, the German eastern districts of southeast Prussia, Danzig-West Prussia, the Warthegau, Upper Silesia, the General Government, the Ostland (inc. the Baltic States and Belorussia), the Crimea, and Ingermanland aren’t completely settled with Germans within twenty years.
    This is the task that we have set out to accomplish, for as long as we still live, once peace is established … the land is Germanized when the populace is German.”
    Versions of the GPO
    Mid-1940 – Himmler’s First “Generalplan” as developed in the RKFDV.  See Rolf-Dieter Mueller, Hitlers Ostkrieg und die deutsche Siedlungspolitik: Die Zusammenarbeit von Wehrmacht, Wirtschaft und SS (Frankfurt/Main: Fischer, 1991), pp. 130-138.
    27 April 1942 – Summary by Dr. E. Wetzel of the Generalplan Ost developed in the RSHA. See Madajczyk, Generalny, pp. 82-110.  A copy of this version of the GPO does not exist.  Wetzel’s summary is the most comprehensive document on this version of the GPO that is available.
    28 May 1942 (officially dated June 1942) – A later version of the GPO as developed in the RKFDV. 
    29 October 1942 – Final “General Settlement Plan” from the RKFDV.  Concerns population transfers in occupied Poland and Bohemia and Moravia.  See Mechthild Roessler and Sabine Schleiermacher, eds., Der “Generalplan Ost”: Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Planungs- und Vernichtungspolitik (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1993), pp. 96-117.
    Further Reading
    Gustavo Corni and Horst Gies, “Blut und Boden”: Rassenideologie und Agrarpolitik im Staat Hitlers (Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag, 1994).  An extensive collection of documents and accompanying commentary on the development of Nazi agricultural policy based on the  notions of “blood and soil” and Germany’s need for “living space,” both of which were  central components of Nazi colonization plans in Eastern Europe.
    Holger Herwig, “Geopolitik: Haushofer, Hitler and Lebensraum,” in The Journal of Strategic Studies (London: Frank Cass, 1999), pp. 218-241.  The best brief discussion in English of the relationship between geopolitical thinker, Dr. Karl Haushofer and Adolf Hitler.  Haushofer’s   ideas on Germany’s need for “living space” in the east dramatically influenced Hitler’s thinking on the subject, thereby making the conquest of Lebensraum a primary goal of Nazi       foreign policy.
    Ihor Kamenetsky, Secret Nazi Plans for Eastern Europe: A Study of Lebensraum Policies (New York: Bookman Associates, 1961).  Although dated, Kamenetsky nevertheless provides an  excellent, easily understood summary of the theoretical origins of Nazi colonization plans by  exposing their basis in geopolitical and “Blood and Soil” thinking in pre-1933 Germany.
    Robert L. Koehl, RKFDV: German Resettlement and Population Policy 1939-1945 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957).  The best English language history of the Reich Office for  the Strengthening of Germandom.
    Czesław Madajczyk, ed., Generalny Plan Wschodni: Zbiór dokumentów (Warszawa: Glówna  Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce, 1990).  An indispensable primary source reader containing one hundred documents relevant to the GPO and Nazi population policies, including speeches, letters, reports, and maps.
    Rolf-Dieter Mueller, Hitlers Ostkrieg und die deutsche Siedlungspolitik: Die Zusammenarbeit    von Wehrmacht, Wirtschaft und SS (Frankfurt/Main: Fischer, 1991).  A combined monograph   and documentary collection on the connections between Nazi Germany’s war in the east and the planned exploitation of the conquered territory.  Mueller includes a section on the   complicity of the German military in developing SS plans to reshape Eastern Europe.
    Frank Parrella, “Lebensraum and Manifest Destiny: A Comparative Study in the Justification of  Expansionism” (MA Thesis: Georgetown University, 1950).  An adequate comparative  treatment of the similarities and contrasts between the Lebensraum-based foreign policy of     Nazi Germany and the American policy of Manifest Destiny. Relies too heavily on published  secondary sources.
    Henry Picker, Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier 1941-42 (Bonn: Athenäum     Verlag, 1951).  A valuable collection of secret conversations recorded in Hitler’s    headquarters, during which the Nazi leader spoke about a wide variety of subjects, including German foreign policy, the war against the USSR, and Germanization efforts in Eastern  Europe.
    Gordon W. Prange, ed., Hitler’s Words (Washington, DC: American Council on Public Affairs, 1944).  An excellent compilation of quotes and comments from Hitler as printed in the  German press during the 1920s and 30s.  Prange makes it clear that Hitler did not hide his foreign policy plans and intentions from anyone, least of all the German people.
    Mechthild Roessler and Sabine Schleiermacher, eds., Der “Generalplan Ost”: Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Planungs und Vernichtungspolitik (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1993). A Collection of articles on various aspects of the Generalplan Ost, including its genocidal dimensions.  Contains good essays from Karl Heinz Roth and Czesław Madajczyk.
    Bradley F. Smith and Agnes F. Peterson, eds., Heinrich Himmler Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945  und andere Ansprachen (Frankfurt/Main: Propyläen Verlag, 1974). An important collection   of several secret speeches by the Reich Leader SS Heinrich Himmler before and during the Second World War.
    Bruno Wasser, Himmlers Raumplanung im Osten: Der Generalplan Ost in Polen 1940-1944  (Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 1993).  The most detailed study of the GPO and other Nazi  resettlement plans as implemented in occupied Poland.
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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:51 pm


    As documented in the World Future Fund Report, General Plan East: The Nazi Revolution in German Foreign Policy,  the foundation of Hitler's geopolitical plans was the conquest of the European part of the Soviet Union.  Hitler had hoped that he could reach a nonaggression pact with England before the war and launch this campaign in conjunction with a Japanese invasion of Russia from the east.

    In 1938 and 1939 British and French opposition to German plans for expansion in eastern Europe led to a situation in early 1939 where Germany was facing an ultimatum from Britain not to invade Poland.  Hitler had absolutely no interest in attacking France or England, but the March 1939 agreement between England and Poland forced Hitler to totally reverse course and reach an agreement with Stalin concerning a division of Poland, similar to the agreement reached between Frederick the Great and Catherine the Great in the late 18th century.

    Hitler had hoped that this would intimidate England and France and make them willing to accept a German conquest of western Poland.  He was dead wrong, and in September 1939 England and France declared war on Germany, turning a territorial dispute between Germany and Poland into a world war.  Ironically, England and France did not declare war on the other partner in the conquest of Poland, the Soviet Union.  England and France also violated their solemn assurances to the Poles that any German attack on them would immediately lead to a French invasion of Germany.  As a result, Hitler was able to concentrate almost all German forces in the east and crush the Poles while Britain and France sat behind their defenses in the west and sent no aid to the Polish forces.

    The pathetic collapse of the numerically superior Anglo-French military forces in May 1940 and the fall of France caused Hitler to again turn his attention to his primary goal.  It is an example of the depth of geopolitical obsession with conquering Russia that even without reaching a peace agreement with England (now being backed by America) he began active planning for an eastern invasion..

    He still kept his options open but after the failure of discussions with Molotov in Berlin in November 1940 he gave specific orders to set in motion his original master plan.  The following material documents Hitler's comments in secret discussions in the summer of 1940.  )Unless other wise noted, these quotations were taken from Walter Warlimont, Inside Hitler's Headquarters, 1939-1945.  Tr. R.H. Barry, Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1991)

    Military Planning Conference at the Berghof, 29 July 1940
     Military Planning Conference at the Berghof, 31 July 1940
    Additional Evidence

    Military Planning Conference at the Berghof, 29 July 1940

    These comments were made during an informal meeting of German military officers in the Special Command Train Atlas at the Bad Reichenall Station following the conference at the Berghof.  These comments were made by General Alfred Jodl, the Chief of the Armed Forces Command Staff (Wehrmachtsführungsamt) in Armed Forces High Command - OKW.  The comments were recorded by Jodl's subordinate, Colonel Walter Warlimont.

    "[Including myself] Four of us (Lt. Col. von Lossberg, Capt. Junge, Major Freiherr von Falkenstein) were present, sitting at individual tables in the restaurant car. ... Jodl went round ensuring that all doors and windows were closed and then, without any preamble, [he] disclosed to us that Hitler had decided to rid the world 'once and for all' of the danger of Bolshevism by a surprise attack on Soviet Russia to be carried out at the earliest possible moment, i.e. in May 1941.

    ... Jodl countered every question [we had] ... although he convinced none of us. ... He repeated Hitler's view and probably his own also that the collision with Bolshevism was bound to come and that it was better therefore to have this campaign now, when we were at the height of our military power, than to have to call the German people to arms once more in the years to come.

    ... Shortly after Jodl's disclosure, we happened to discover that Hitler had originally been determined to launch the attack in the late summer of 1940.  The most urgent representations from Keitel and Jodl ... had been necessary to convince the Supreme Commander that the time and space factors alone, together with the weather conditions, rendered this plan totally impracticable."

    Source: Warlimont, Inside, pp. 111-112

    Military Planning Conference at the Berghof, 31 July 1940

    This meeting included Hitler, the Chiefs of Armed Forces High Command (OKW), Army High Command (OKH), and Navy High Command.  These notes are from the war diary of General Franz Halder, the Chief of Staff in OKH:

    "[According to Hitler] Britain's hope lies in Russia and the United States.  If Russia drops out of the picture America, too, is lost for Britain, because elimination of Russia would tremendously increase Japan's power in the Far East.  Russia is the Far Eastern sword of Britain and the United States pointed at Japan. ... Russia is the factor upon which Britain is relying most.  Something must have happened in London! (i.e., a reference to Britain's pre-war anti-communist stance being reversed) ... With Russia smashed, Britain's last hope would be shattered.  Germany will then be master of Europe and the Balkans.  Decision: Russia's destruction must therefore be made a part of this struggle.  Spring 1941.  The sooner Russia is crushed, the better.  Attack achieves its purpose only if Russian state can be shattered to its roots with one blow.  Holding part of the country will not do.  Standing still for the following winter would be perilous ... Resolute determination to eliminate Russia."

    Source: Halder, Diaries, pp. 533-4 (31 July 1940) 

    Conversations and Military Planning Conferences in 1940 during which Hitler Stated His Intention to Attack the USSR:

    "In another conversation with Field-Marshal von Rundstedt on 2 June 1940 recorded by the l; General von Sodenstern who was present, Hitler said that now that he imagined England was ready for peace, he would begin to settle the account with Bolshevism.

    Entries in [General] Halder's diary:

    3 July 1940.  (Recording a conversation with the head of his Operations Section)  The most pressing problems at the moment are England and  ... the East.  As regards the latter, the main question is how to deal Russia a military blow which will force her to recognize Germany's preponderant role in Europe.'

    13 July 1940.  (After a conversation with Hitler)  The question in the forefront of the Führer's mind is why England is still unwilling to make peace; like us, he thinks that the answer is that England still has some hope of action on the part of Russia.

    22 July 1940.  (Recording a conversation with the Commander-in-Chief of the Army [Brauchitsch])  The latter appears to have summed up his impressions of a discussion he had had with Hitler the previous day by the following instruction: 'The problem of Russia must be dealt with.  We must begin thinking about this.'

    30 July 1940.  (An extract from an appreciation of the situation worked out with the Commander-in-Chief of the Army [Brauchitsch])  If we cannot reach a decision against England, the danger remains that England will ally herself with Russia; the question then is whether we should carry on a war on two fronts, one of which would be Russia.  Answer: Better remain friends with Russia.

    31 July 1940.  (Some of Hitler's statements in the Berghof)  ... Russia must be dealt with.  Spring 1941. ... Destruction of the power of Russia.  To be achieved by:

    1. A thrust towards Kiev with flank on the Dnieper.

    2. Thrust through the Baltic States in direction Moscow. Finally, pincer operation from north and south.  Later a separate operation against the Baku oil fields.  We can then see the extent to which Finland and Turkey are involved."
    Source: Warlimont, Inside, pp. 112-113, 135.

    Additional Evidence

    Excerpt from Orders Given by General Alfred Jodl to the OKW Planning Section Concerning the Attack on the USSR, 5 December 1940:+

    "The Führer is determined to carry through this operation in the east since the Army will never again be as strong as it is at this moment and Soviet Russia has recently given one more proof that she will always, whenever possible, stand in Germany's path."

    Source: Warlimont, Inside, p.137.

    Evidence that Plans for a German Attack on the Soviet Union existed before Hitler's Formal Instructions in Late July 1940:
    "General Jodl ... during cross-examination in Nuremberg in 1946, stated: 'I was not the first who made preparations for an attack on the Soviet Union.  To my surprise I discovered here [at Nuremberg], through the witness Paulus, that long before we [i.e., Wehrmacht High Command - OKW] concerned ourselves with any orders of this kind, plans of attack were already worked out in the General Staff of the Army [i.e., Army High Command - OKH]'"

    Source: Warlimont, Inside, p.137.
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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:52 pm



    Polish Western Affairs 1962, Vol. III No 2

    The term Generalplan Ost first appears in two documents of the Ministry for the occupied Eastern Territories. (Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete), prepared by Wetzel, an employee in the Racial Policy Office of the N.S.D.A.P.1, who from 1941 simultaneously held an important post in the Political Department of Rosenberg´s ministry. The first document is Wetzel´s minute of the session on questions of the Germanization of the Soviet Baltic republics, held on February 4th , at Dr. Kleist´s2.

    This minute refers to S.S.-Obersturmbannführer Gummitsch (representative of S.S.Standartenführer Ehlich3) as taking part on behalf of the Security Office of the Reich (R.S.H.A.), on account of his association with the institution from which the Generalplan Ost (hereafter referred to as GPO) by Wetzel, dated April 27th, 1942. It bears the title Stellungnahme und Gedanken zum Generalplan Ost des Reichsführers S.S., and has already been published in several historical periodicals4.

    Judging from the provenance of the document and its contents, we may be justified in assuming that it was intended for Rosenberg´s use. The skepticism evident in it regarding the actuality of a number of steps proposed by the R.S.H.A. indicates the atmosphere of antagonism that existed between Himmler and Rosenberg at that time regarding their scope of competence in the occupied Soviet territories. Wetzel writes that in November 1941 he had already known that the R.S.H.A., then enjoying the strongest position in the Reich and - in the opinion of the institutions under Himmler - also operating as a Commissariat for Germanization, was worked on a general plan for the eastern territories. A competent employee of that office, Ehlich (mentioned earlier), had then given him the figure of 31 million "aliens" destined for deportation.

    Certain elements of the Generalplan Ost elaborated by the R.S.H.A. can be singled out in Wetzel´s appraisal, because he often takes them as a starting point for his counter-arguments. He quotes the following estimate of the number of future settlers provided for in the GPO:

    1. immediate resettlement

    110,000 persons ready to settle with their wives 220,000
    peasant families in resettlers´camps 20,000
    families of German origin in Russia - 4 children each 600,000
    total 840,000

    2. later resettlement

    peasant families 880,000
    further resettlers 30,000
    Volksdeutsche from overseas (3 children each) 200,000
    total 1,110,000

    3. further resettlement

    during the first 10 years 45-50,000 families 200,000
    during the next 20 years, 20-30,000 families annually 2,400,000
    total during 30 years 4,550,000

    Together with settlers from other Gernanic countries and Volksdeutsche, the authors of the GPO expected to have 10 million persons for the colonization of the eastern territories. These territories included the occupied Polish lands, the Soviet Baltic republics (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia), the "West Ukraine" (the provinces of Zhitomir and Kamieniec Podolski, part of Vinnitsa) and areas assigned for settlement: the Leningrad region (Ingermanland), the Crimea and hinterland and the bend of the Dnieper (Dnieprbogen). These territories were populated by about 45 million "aliens" including 5-6 million Jews5. For racial reasons, the authors of the GPO planned to deport 31 million of these people to western Siberia. On the other hand, one may accept the hypothesis that the remaining 14 million people were to be annihilated, or considered suitable for Germanization and left where they were, or else used as manpower to work in the Reich or in the annexed territories.

    Wetzel also writes that the GPO gave the percentage of Polish and Byelorussian population and that of the "West Ukraine" and the Baltic countries that was to be deported to West Siberia in the course of thirty years. Wetzel, who opposed the resettlement of the population from the Baltic republics, made an exception here and did not quote the percentage. Of the Polish population 80-85% was to be deported, i.e., from 16 to 20l4 million;65% of the population was to be deported from the "West Ukraine" and 75% from Byelorussia.

    The first information of the provisions of the GPO was probably not that (previously mentioned) given by Ehlich to Wetzel in 1941. Much goes to show that were first mentioned in a speech made by Heydrich, head of the RSHA, in Prague6 on October 2nd , 1941, just after he had taken up the post of Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, where he presented the plans for the future of the Czech nation according to the general principles for the Bohemia. These principles are worthy of close attention. True, the name GPO did not figure in Heydrich´s speech, but the outline of expansion to the east in stages is in striking agreement with many of the elements contained in Wetzel´s appraisal. Polish territory, the Baltic republics and the Ukraine, towards which Heydrich did not clearly define the intentions of the Third Reich, were to fall within it range.

    In May 1942, Himmler received a memorandum from Professor Konrad Meyer-Hetling, headed Generalplan Ost, Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche und räumliche Grundlagen des Ostaufbaues, which we shall print below. Only the six-page summary of this memorandum under the title Kurze Zusammenfassung der Denkschrift Generalplan Ost - rechtliche, wirtschaftliche und räumliche Grundlagen des Ostaufbaues, among the documents of the Nuremberg Trial (No 2225), was known until recently. It was thought, that the memorandum itself had been lost.

    The first information of its content was given by Robert L. Koehl in RKFDV: German Resettlement and Population Policy 1939-1945, published by the Harvard University Press in 1957. Further references to it existence were made in 1960 in the West Germany quarterly "Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte"7. The memorandum and its summary were enclosures in the letter sent by SS-Oberführer Professor Meyer-Hetling on May 28th, 1942 to Himmler, Reichsführer SS and Commissary for Germanization.

    As early as the spring of 1940, Professor Meyer-Hetling was Head of the SS planning office for the Polish territories incorporated into the Reich8. From the following year, he was head of the planning office of the Commissariat for Germanization, the Stabshauptamt, and of the Central Land Office (Zentralbodenamt). He was also Director of the Institute for Agrarian Affairs and Agrarian Policy (Institut für Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik) at the Berlin University. It was at this university that the published document was prepared. Dr. J. Boesler cooperated in financial questions. Perhaps it was coincidence that in the summer of 1942, that is, shortly after the preparation of the memorandum and it favourable reception by Himmler, Professor Meyer-Hetling was given further powers in the field of planning resettlement. He took up the post of Beauftragter für die Siedlung und Landesraumordnung beim Reichsleiter für Agrarpolitik in the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and of Bauernführer of the Reich. He was also appointed Head of the Committee for Resettlement in the occupied eastern territories9.

    It follows from Professor Meyer-Hetling´s previously mentioned letter of May 28th that the published memorandum was prepared in connection with instructions received on July 115th, 1941, and Meyer´s report of January 27th, 194210. Here is some information concerning these dates.

    In the spring of 1941, Meyer-Hetling was entrusted with the preparation of a memorandum on planning resettlement and on development planning in the Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich"11. For this purpose he made use of the results of research carried out by the Technical College in Berlin12.

    He made the results of this research known in a paper he read on July 15th, 1941, and at the opening of an Exhibition Planung und Aufbau im Osten on October 23rd13. Himmler expressed his appreciation of Professor Meyer-Hetling´s elaboration, which included exemplary model villages and farms.

    On January 27th, 1942, the SS Reichsführer received Professor Meyer and entrusted him with the further task of elaborating the legal, economic and political foundations for the "further reconstruction of the East", also including the Crimea and the Leningrad region. It follows from the evidence given by Meyer at the VIII Nuremberg Trial that the Generalplan Ost elaborated by him had been based on suggestions made by Himmler and the head of the Stabshauptamt Greifelt during conversations.

    In his letter of May 28th, 1942, to Himmler, Meyer wrote that the Generalplan Ost which he had submitted as well as the directives to this plan and the recommendations of the Reichsführer had called for further research on basic questions, the result of which he was presenting for consideration. In the published memorandum, he recalls that the Generalplan Ost of July 15th, 1941, envisaged the assignment of new areas for resettlement, taking into account the development prospects over a period of 30 years. As can be seen, the term Generalplan Ost is used by Meyer with many meanings. In the letter he uses it rather in the same sense as he did during the VIII Nuremberg Trial. In this sense, it was a plan for resettlement solely of the Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich". In the published document part B. with several tables and graphs, constitutes the continuation of the elaboration of the plan. It deals almost exclusively with calculations of the cost of the resettlement campaign and the sources from which these costs might be covered in the Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich". Detailed considerations is given to the measures essential for the rapid Germanization of these territories, and for the completion of resettlement in the rural areas within five years after the end of the war and in town within ten years. The cheapness of labor is striking in the financial calculations. This results from the planned use of prisoners-of-war and the inmates of prisons as man power.

    Parts A and C, on the other hand, have the character of a long-term plan, of long-term imperialist expansion, ranging over further Polish territories and Soviet areas under German occupation. As compared with the summary already known to us, it does not introduce any new factors in the basic principles. What is new is the detailed elaboration of these principles. The maximum of control was to be guaranteed to the SS in the colonized territories, by a planned system of ownership and jurisdiction based on the feudal pattern (Zeitlehen - 7 years, Erblehen - 20 years, Leheneigentum, Lehensgericht, Oberlehensgericht), and a State monopoly of land, both in the towns and in the rural areas. They were to cover an area the size of 1-2 districts in the Reich (about 2,000 sq. Km) and to relocated at distances of about 100 km along two communication routes. One was to lead from the Reich in the direction of the Leningrad region (Königsberg-Leningrad, Wilno-Leningrad) and the other, also from the Reich, in the direction of the Crimea (Warsaw-Lublin-Rowne or Cracow-Lwow-Rowyne and then Biala Cerkiew-Krivoi Rog-Nikokajew). A plan was hurriedly prepared for building a motor road from the Reich to the Crimea. Fourteen bases were to be set up in the General Gouvernement, in the Zamosc region among others, 8 in the Ukraine and 14 in the so called Ostland14. Also note worthy is the intention of reducing the population of the towns. In the Leningrad region the population of the towns was to decrease from the pre-war figure of 3,200,000 to 200,000 and in the Crimea, from 790,000 to 680,000. And lastly, a rather curious thing, Professor Meyer-Hetling included 80,000 Polish mountaineers in the reserve population for resettlement.

    The question arises as to the relation of the document published below to the GPO, the subject of E. Wetzel´s elaboration (Stellungnahme und Gedanken zum Generalplan Ost des Reichsführers SS). The Generalplan Ost of the Central Security Office of the Reich most probably concentrated on the population policy, and on ways and methods of deportation or annihilation of certain European peoples. In these genocidal plans, the questions of deportation, the extent of Germanization among the people woh were to be deported and the resettlement of Germanic peoples were dominant15. In Professor Meyer-Hetling´s GPO, the legal and economic aspects of the Nazi colonization of the occupied Polish and Soviet territories were brought to the fore. Nevertheless, the GPO elaborated by the Central Security Office of the Reich contained estimates of the reserves of population needed for resettlement and a fairly precise determination of the territories assigned for colonization. In the estimate of the population reserves for the purpose of German resettlement in the east, the RSHA gave a figure known to us from Hitler´s statement in the Chief Headquarters on October 18th, 194116.

    In this situation, Himmler´s instructions to Professor Meyer-Hetling to make further estimates seems to indicate that the SS leader and commissary for Germanization was interested in developing the basic provisions and in checking up on the calculations of the RSHA by an institution outside it apparatus - the Institute of the Berlin University. The hypothesis may be advanced that the Generalplan Ost was a plan prepared by the RSHA, constituting a further development of the plan for the treatment of the conquered territories of the Soviet Union revealed by Hitler on July 16th, 1941 in the General Headquarters17, while, Meyer-Hetling´s GPO was partly an analytical checking of the principles of that plan and partly a development of those principles.

    Himmler took action very quickly on receiving Meyer´s memorandum and sent his opinion to Greifelt, the Head of the Stabshauptamt, on June 12th. The general commander of the SS and police expressed his approval of Meyer´s plan. He intended to present it to Hitler at an appropriate moment, but considered it essential first to link it up into one whole (Gesamtsiedlungsplan) with earlier plans prepared for the various Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich", for Bohemia and Moravia, for Alsace-Loraine and also for Upper Austria and Lower Styria18. In addition, Himmler demanded that the estimates for the settlers, workmen and financial means, which Meyer had drawn up solely for the Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich", should be extended to cover all the territories included in the GPO, and that the Generalsiedlungsplan prepared on the model of the Generalplan Ost; at the same time he demanded that the period of realization should be shortened from 25-30 years to 20 years. On the other hand, the range of Germanization in the eastern territories as envisaged by Meyer, particularly the limitation of the resettlement campaign in the General Gouvernment and Ostland to restricted bases, met with Himmler´s disapproval. He demanded that the GPO should provide for the complete Germanization of Esthonia, Latvia and the General Government within 20 years. Lithuania was to be colonized.

    References to Meyer´s memorandum can be found in Himmler´s speech to the leaders of the SS and the police at Zhitomir in the southern Russian sector on September 16th, 194219. He then gave an assurance to his subordinates that the Reich would be victorious in the following year and announced - as in his correspondence with Meyer - that all the Polish territories would be colonized and that the Soviet Baltic countries and Byelorussia (Ostland), the Crimea and the Leningrad region would be Germanized and colonized. Himmler made another announcement of something new in his speech, namely, that resettlement bases (as proposed in the document published by Meyer on the General Gouvernment and part of the occupied Soviet territories) were to be established in the eastern areas as far as the Don and Volga and even perhaps as the Urals.

    On January 12th, 1943, Himmler sent a letter direct to Meyer concerning the eastern plan20. In this letter, the chief of the SS expressed his opinion on the table of basic figures (Grundzahlen) and the maps prepared by Meyer for the Generalsiedlungsplan21 which had been sent to him by Greifelt on December 23rd, 1942. In turn, he demanded that, besides Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia, the Leningrad region, the Crimea and the Chersonese, resettlement in the east should also include Byelorussia. The GPO was to be amended also these lines without delay. Copies of the letter of December 23rd, 1942, to Meyer were sent to SS-Obergruppenführer Wolff, chief of the SS personal staff, to SS-Gruppenführer Berger, head of the Chief Command Office of the SS, who from 1942 also carried out the function of liaison officer between the Ministry for the East and the institutions under the Reichsführer SS, and to the chief of the police and the security service.

    Meyer-Hetling answered the letter of the Chief of the SS22 after a month (February 15th), giving an assurance that he was prepared the basic materials for the Generalsiedlungsplan and enclosing some tables, which have not so far been found. In the face of the declaration of total war after the defeat at Stalingrad, Meyer-Hetling asked, without any great enthusiasm, if he was to continue to elaborate basic materials for the Generalsiedlungsplan. According to information given in the "Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte", it was only in April that Himmler gave a rather evasive reply23. It is probable that planning of the colonization in the east was soon abandoned, for Hitler, in connection with the declaration of total war, suspended all further planning until peacetime.

    One sometimes meets with the opinion that the GPO was only fantasy, an extravagance, a utopia that brought no practical consequences24. This view should be confronted with the already known facts and measures taken by the authorities of the Third Reich, particularly Himmler and his apparatus, which in the years 1941/42 gained an unquestionably key position in the eastern policy. The moves made to facilitate the realization of the GPO and all the initial measures for it realization are also important. The period of military successes in the east was too short to achieve anything more.

    The period of work on the GPO coincided with the greatest intensification of Nazi crimes in the east. This applies, above all, to the mass "liquidation" of millions of Soviet prisoners-of-war and Jews. The data contained in the version of the GPO available to Wetzel had become obsolete. According to these data, 45 million persons were living in the territories assigned for colonization, including 5-6 million Jews. A large percentage of this population perished; the losses in Poland reached six million and in the territory of the USSR over 20 million, including about seven million civilians. Moreover, at least one and a half million Polish civilians and prisoners-of-war ware taken to the Reich for forced labor. And the Nazis intended to act even more ruthlessly after achieving victory. In November 1941, that is at the time when Hitler and his close associates considered that the result of the war was already decided, Göring gave some indications of this in a conversation with Ciano, the Italian Foreign Minister. During this conversation the question of the famine threatened Greece war raised. Göring advised Ciano not to worry about this too much, just as he was not worrying about the fact that the Soviet prisoners-of-war were dying of hunger. "This year, 20 to 30 million people will die of hunger in Russia. Perhaps it is a good thing that this is happening, because certain peoples must be decimated"25. It should also be borne in mind that the colonization of the annexed Polish territories and the Germanization of Silesia and Pomerania, by means of the general or very large-scale imposition of citizenship of the Third Reich upon Poles, were far advanced and progressing at a terrific pace, but the results were superficial and miscarried. In the Poznan and Lodz regions there were two chief resettlement staff headquarters and 17 district resettlement staff headquarters operating in August 1942. Pomerania, Silesia and the Polish lands incorporated into East Prussia had each one chief resettlement staff headquarters, with a total of 34 district staff headquarters (Pomerania 18, Silesia 7, East Prussia 9). Altogether, they deported about one million Polish citizens, at the same time resettling about three quarters of a million Germans from the Reich and Volksdeutsche of various kinds At Riga, there was a chief resettlement staff headquarters for the Soviet Baltic republic; a resettlement staff headquarter was also set up at Kowno as well as ten district statt headquarters. A resettlement staff headquarters was also set up in Prague.26

    In January 1942, Himmler came forward with the project of creating an area of German resettlement under his auspices in the south-western part of the occupied Lithuanian Republic, to which the Lithuanian Volksdeutsche who hat not yet been resettled were to return. As is known, "West Lithuania" was an area assigned for colonization in the plan evaluated by Wetzel. True, up to December 1942, Rosenberg was opposed to Himmler´s project; nevertheless, by autumn 1942, the SS authorities had expropriated 6,597 farms in Lithuania and had resettled on farms 16,786 persons27 who had been repatriated to the Reich in the years 1939/40. In March, 1942, while in Cracow, Himmler set himself the aim of starting the colonization of the Polish territories included in the General Gouvenment, territories which Hitler, in a conversation with Governor Frank in March 1941, had destined for Germanization within 15 to 20 years28. The head of SS and police designated the south-eastern part of the Lublin province, known as the Zamosc region, as the first area for colonization. Over 100,000 Poles were expelled from the Zamosc region between November 1942 and July 194329. A little earlier, in the second half of 1942, it was decided to create a resettlement area in the Zhitomir-Vinnitsa area which was to receive Volksdeutsche from the Ukrainie, who were threatened by the partisans. At this time steps were also made taken to prepare the Crimea to receive Germans repatriated from Italian Tyrol and Palestine after the war30. Among others, the SS-Krimkommando was set up.

    Finally, preparations were being made for the resettlement in the east of people from Holland and undesirable population from Alsace-Lorraine, Luxembourg and Slovenia.

    These were preliminary steps towards colonization in the east, sometimes intended to sound the reaction of the population of some particular territory. These measures included the deportation of "aliens", the settlement of Germanic population and the concentration of Volksdeutsche in the occupied eastern territories. It is a striking fact that all the territories where these attempts at various kinds of colonization ware made were those included in the territorial range of the GPO elaborated by the RSAH.

    And yet another argument. The year 1942 spelled failure for the Nazi leaders who did not prove ruthless enough in realizing the expansionist aims of National Socialism. Governor Frank suffered a defeat in the disputes on the extent of competence of the SS and police in the General Gouvernment; his suggestion that the Germanization of this area should be started after the war was rejected in 1942. A. Dallin, in his German Rule in Russia 1941-1945, pointed out how quickly the proposals for the dismemberment of the USSR put forward by Rosenberg, the minister for the occupied eastern territories, were quashed and how powerful was the position of the head of the SS, and police in the occupied territories of the USSR. Earlier in autumn 1941, the cautious Neurath had been replaced by none other than Heydrich, head of the Chief Security Office of the Reich, who became head of the Bohemian Protectorate.

    This, and the fact that Himmler, in preparing the GPO, was realizing Hitler´s directives and suggestions to treat the east as Lebensraum (which Hitler expressed clearly in conversations known to have taken place at the General Headquarters)31, show all the more clearly that the threat of these criminal projects being put into practice in the east was a very serious one. This threat could only be averted by a Nazi defeat; and paradoxically, the armies of the nations whose population was to be sent to distant Siberia entered Berlin in 1945.

    We received the microfilm of this document from the Microfilm Copies of Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II), National Archives Microcopies No. T - 84 (Part II), roll 73, item E.A.P. 66-c-12-2/20.

    We are publishing the whole text, leaving the conventional abbreviations: ca (circa), evtl. (eventuell), z.Z. (zur Zeit), z.B. (zum Beispiel), verg or vgl. (Vergleiche), d.h. (das heisst), usw (und so weiter), S. (Seite), We have also left the original notes marked on the document.


    1 In October 1939, this Nazi expert on racial questions prepared a menorandum jointly with Dr. Hecht on the treatment of the Polish population.

    2 On March 11th, 1942, this protocol was received by Dr. Otto Bräutigam, head of the Eastern Political Department. Kleist was head of the Ostland Section in the same Political Department.

    3 Dr. Hans Ehlich was head of the III B group (questions of re-Germanization, questions of ethical groups in south-eastern territories, population policy, etc.).

    4 "Przeglad Zachodni" No 2/1958, "Voienno istoricheskiy Journal" No 1/1960, "Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte" No 3/1958.

    5 Wetzel estimated this population at 65 million, but he probably did not allow for those who had been evacuated into the interior of the USSR.

    6 In the documentary publications Die Vergangenheit warnt, Prague, 1960, p. 126

    7 Nachtrag zu der Dokumentation "Generalplan Ost", Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, No 1/1960

    8 As early as January 24th, 1940, during a meeting with Koppe, the chief of the SS and police in Poznan, he made a speech to those engaged in planning German colonization in the annexed Polish territories (National Archives Microcopy No T-81, roll No 296 k. 2421159/2421160). The activity of Meyer-Hetling as chief of planning in Poznan was referred to by his collaborator von Machui in the book Die Hintergründe des Falles Oberländer written under pseudonym of Victor Silling (pp. 45-51), published in 1960.

    9 Buchheim; Rechtsstellung und Organisation des Reichskommissars für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums. The collective work, Gutachten des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte, München 1958.

    10 Nuernberg, Trial, No VIII, vol. 8, stenogram of evidence given by Professor Meyer Hetling.

    11 In October 1939, the Nazi Reich annexed Gdansk, Pomerania, the Poznan region, most of the province of Lodz, Upper Silesia, the Dabrowa Basin, the western part of the provinces of Crakow, the Ciechanow and Suwalki regions ("territories incorporated into the Reich"). These territories had nearly ten million inhabitants, are formed into the General Gouvernment by Nazi authorities. The head of the occupied authorities in the GG was Dr. Hans Frank.

    12 See the remarks of Helmut Heiber to the documentation on the Generalplan Ost, "Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte" No 3/1958

    13 The materials shown at this exhibition included the publication Planung und Aufbau im Osten (Erläuterungen und Skizzen zum ländlichen Aufbau in den neuen Ostgebieten) prepared by the Stabshauptamt Planning Department and edited by K. Meyer, author of the introduction. It appeared in Berlin in 1942.

    14 "Ostland" included the Byelorussian Republic and the Soviet Baltic republics.

    15 The population to be resettled did not include only Germans and Volksdeutsche, but also other nationalities of Germanic origin.

    16 Bericht No 45 of 18 Oct. 1941, photocopy, Archives of the Chief Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes, Warsaw.

    17 Hitler then forecast the incorporation into the Reich of the Soviet Baltic republics, the Crimea, Galicia, the Kola Peninsula, Baku and the region of Saratov, and the Polish Bialystok region.

    18 The author does not know if all the plans mentioned have survived. The following plans are known to him: For the annexed Polish lands Himmler issued the Richtlinine für die Planung und Gestaltung der Städte in den eingegliederten deutschen Ostgebieten (Allgemeine Anordnung No. 13/II of 30. Jan. 1942) and Grundsätze und Richtlinien für denländlichen Aufbau in den neuen Ostgebieten (Neues Bauerntum - Sonderdruck, I/1941). In addition there was the Generalsiedlungsplan, mentioned by the chief of the SS and police in the Poznan region, SS-Gruppenführer Koppe (National Archives, Microcopy No T 81, roll No 296 k. 2421150-54). For Lorraine the governor, Bürckel, issued on 14. Oct. 1941 Grundsätze und Richtlinien für die ländliche Siedlungsplanung in Lothringen (Ibid, Microcopy No T 81, roll No 314, k. 2444383-244408). A Generalsiedlungsplan was also prepared for the annexed northern Slovenia (Lower Styria). The author does not know this general plan, but only the Anlage zu dem Generalsiedlungsplan der Grenzsiedlungszone der Untersteiermark of 11. Jan. 1942 and Entwurf zum Generalsiedlungsplan der Grenzsiedlungszone der Untersteiermark (Ibid, Microcopy No T 81, roll No 284 k. 2406980 and 2407023-55). The plans referring to Bohemia are to be found in the previously-mentioned publication Die Vergangenheit warnt.

    19 XI Nuernberg Trial, No 2668. Note on speech

    20 VIII Nuernberg Trial, No 2245, confidential letter of Himmler´s personal staff, sent direct to Meyer, as Greifelt had been given a long period of leave.

    21 Ibid, confidential note.

    22 VIII Nuernberg Trial, No 2255, confidential letter which came to Himmlers personal staff on Feburary 18th. It contradicts the evidence given by Meyer-Hetling in this trial on the cessation of this work in Janurary.

    23 No 1/1960

    24 This view is found in the VIII Nuernberg Trial, and also in Heiber´s introduction to the documentation on the GPO in the previously-mentioned "Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte".

    25 Les Archives Secrètes du Comte Ciano 1936-42, p. 478

    26 Buchheim, op. Cit. Pp. 250-251

    27 National Archives, Microcopy No T 81, roll 291, Bericht über die sieben monatliche Tätigkeit vom 1. IV.-31. X. 42. Considerably more Volksdeutsche returned to Lithuania than were previously settled there, viz. 28,000.

    28 Frank´s Tagebuch, 1941, I, 146-149 and Frank´s Regierungssitzungen 1941. III-X, 4-7

    29 A description of these deportations is contained in C. Madajczyk´s article Deportations in the Zamossc Region in 1942 and 1943 in the Light of German Documents, "Acta Poloniae Historica", vol. I, Warszawa 1958.

    30 At the beginning of 1942, Hitler had decided to start deporting Russians and Ukrainians from the Crimea and to settle

    31 H. Picker, Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier 1941-42
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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 2:53 pm

    SS-18 escribió:Por eso no dan tregua con las Historias Sobre Stalin, por eso les interesa que los crimenes del comunismo sean millonarios, para que no nos pongamos a hablar de quien es el causante del NAZISMO, quien le dio pie y lo reforzo por que reinvindicaba ser el cruzado contra el bolchevismo en Europa y el Mundo. Atacan continuamente para que no nos pongamos a hablar de lo que es capaz LA BURGUESIA y el capitalismo con tal de mantener sus privilegios de explotación y esclavización de los demas. Por esto es toda la basura que meten dia a dia los massmedia y los emperadores capitalistas de las transnacionales.

    Completamente de acuerdo contigo. El genocidio sufrido por el pueblo eslavo está practicamente silenciado porque a la burguesía no le interesa que sea conocido a nivel masivo como ocurre con el judío. Para las potencias occidentales el verdadero enemigo no era la Alemania de Hitler si no la Rusia Soviética y de todas formas hay que tener claro que los nacionalsocialistas lo que hicieron fue llevar al paroxismo ideas que ya existían con anterioridad y deformarlas de tal manera que parece imposible que hayan surgido de una mente humana. Como ya dejó escrito hace más de dos mil años Plauto: "Lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit."

    En el siglo XIX surgieron dos de las teorías supremacistas que cambiarían la historia del mundo para siempre, me refiero al Manifest Destiny, la teoría del Destino Manifiesto de los Estados Unidos, según la cual, los estadounidenses tenían la misión divina de expandirse hacia el oeste y la teoría germana menos conocida del Drang Nach Osten que trataba de la necesidad de Alemania de adquirir territorios en el este y que durante el auge del nazionalsocialismo derivaría en la teoría del espacio vital, el Lebensraum, que fue presentada por Hitler en 1933 en un discurso que dio a los altos cargos del ejército. Los temas claves eran la ocupación del territorio oriental y la completa eliminación del marxismo. Ya en la Edad Media el Sacro Imperio Germánico, formado por una amalgama de estados, era consciente de la necesidad de expandirse hacia el este, ocupado por os pueblos bálticos y eslavos, es el Ostsiedlung, la colonización del este. Esta expansión siempre estuvo apoyada por la Iglesia porque se encargaron de llevar el cristianismo, es la idea del Imperio como elemento cristianizador.

    Para justificar esta expansión territorial se inventaron la teoría de la supremacía racial. Al igual que los estadounidenses con su expansión hacia el Pacífico, los pueblos germánicos tenían la misión histórica de imponer su dominio primero en Europa y luego en el resto del mundo.

    La teoría de la supremacía racial de la raza aria se basa en una deformación en toda regla de la teoría del SuperHombre nietzscheana (Übermensch ) que, según los nacionalsocialistas, debe imponerse y alzarse sobre los seres inferiores e infrahumanos (Untermensch). Aunque durante el siglo XIX surgieron varias teorías sobre la pureza de la raza y especialmente el concepto de raza maldita que si bien es anterior a la época decimonónica en esta se consolidó. La demente teoría del Übermenschlich les concedía potestad no sólo para expandirse por territorios que no les pertenecían si no para eliminar y esclavizar a las razas inferiores.


    Untermensch German for under man, sub-man, sub-human plural Untermenschen is a term that became infamous when the Nazi racial ideology used it to describe "inferior people", especially "the masses from the East," that is Jews, Gypsies, Poles along with other Slavic people like the Russians, Serbs, Belarussians and Ukrainians

    Although usually considered to have been coined by the Nazis themselves, the term "under man" in the above mentioned sense was actually first used by American author Lothrop Stoddard in the title of his 1922 pamphlet The Revolt Against Civilization The Menace of the Under-man. It was later adopted by the Nazis from that book's German version Der Kulturumsturz Die Drohung des Untermenschen 1925 . The German word "Untermensch" itself had been used earlier not in a racial sense , for example in the 1899 novel Der Stechlin by Theodor Fontane see below . Since most writers who employ the term do not address the question of when and how the word entered the German language and therefore do not seem to be aware of Stoddard's original term "under man" , "Untermensch" is usually back-translated into English as "sub-human." A leading Nazi attributing the concept of the East-European "under man" to Stoddard is Alfred Rosenberg who, referring to Russian communists, wrote in his Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts 1930 that "this is the kind of human being that Lothrop Stoddard has called the 'under man.'" "...den Lothrop Stoddard als 'Untermenschen' bezeichnete." 2 Quoting Stoddard "The Under-Man -- the man who measures under the standards of capacity and adaptability imposed by the social order in which he lives.

    However, it is possible that Stoddard constructed his "under man" as an antipode to Friedrich Nietzsche's bermensch or superman concept. Stoddard doesn't say so explicitly, but he refers critically to the "superman" idea at the end of his book p. 160 262 . 3 Wordplays with Nietzsche's term seem to have been used repeatedly as early as the 19th century and, due to the German linguistic trait of being able to combine prefixes and roots almost at will in order to create new words, this development was even somewhat logical. For instance, German author Theodor Fontane contrasts the bermensch Untermensch word pair in chapter 33 of his novel Der Stechlin As a matter of fact, even Nietzsche himself used "Untermensch" at least once in contrast to " bermensch" in Die fr hliche Wissenschaft 1882 , however he did so in reference to semi-human creatures in mythological, naming them alongside dwarves, fairies, centaurs and so on. 6 Earlier examples of "Untermensch" include Romanticist Jean Paul using the term in his novel Hesperus 1795 in reference to an Orangutan Chapter ". Hundposttag" .

    Stoddard's book-long diatribe dealt with the recent takeover of power by the Bolsheviks in Russia, arguing that that country was now ruled by the most degenerate people on the Earth. He thought that the combination of the alleged inherent racial inferiority of Russian Slavs, the idiocy as he saw it of a political creed that appealed to the vilest human instincts e.g. jealousy towards the more gifted and the more affluent and the supposed fact that the Communist Party's rank and file consisted of "born criminals" in the most conventional sense of the word necessitated a completely new term to describe this phenomenon "the under man." In this sense, for Stoddard, the October Revolution was the battle cry for an upcoming, unavoidable clash of the civilized nations with the "masses of the east." If the white race was intent upon winning that confrontation with the "under man," so the message went, it had to turn away from ill-conceived liberal ideas and adopt drastic changes of policy instead, e.g. by introducing far-ranging eugenics programmes.

    The available literature on Nazi Germany would not support the claim that Stoddard's writings were more to the Nazis than a neat summary of racial, social, and political theories that already were or would soon become part and parcel of the ideology of the Nazi party.

    The term "Untermensch" was utilized repeatedly in writings and speeches directed against the Jews, the most notorious example being a 1935 SS publication with the title "Der Untermensch" which contains an antisemitic tirade sometimes considered to be an extract from a speech held by Heinrich Himmler. In the pamphlet The SS as an Anti-Bolshevist Fighting Organization, Himmler wrote in 1936 "We shall take care that never again in Germany, the heart of Europe, will the Jewish-Bolshevistic revolution of subhumans be able to be kindled either from within or through emissaries from without."


    Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party ascribed to the concept of the “Master Race”. This ideology held that the Aryan Races, people of Northern European descent, represented a superior and “pure race”. An ideal member of the Master Race was referred to as an “Übermensch”, or literally, a “Super Man”. Any person not of pure, Aryan descent was considered an “Untermensch”, or literally, a “Sub-Human”. This site will present the fundamental ideologies of the Master Race, and discuss Hitler’s obsession with creating and perfecting the figure of the Übermensch.

    The notion of the Master Race originated from 19th century racial theory, which posited that there is a hierarchy of races, and that cultures degenerate when distinct races mix. The bottom of this hierarchy included dark-skinned indigenous peoples, such as Aboriginal Australians and Native Africans. The Nazi’s considered darker-skinned people to be mentally and physically inferior to the European races. The middle of the hierarchy belonged to Southern Europeans (Spanish, French, Portuguese, & Italians). These Europeans, with their dark hair and olive skin, were considered to be only partially-tainted by mixing with the Untermenschen. The top of the hierarchy was reserved for the Aryan races (Germans, Swedes, Icelanders, Norwegians, Danes, English, & Dutch). The figure of the Übermensch, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, was a member of the superior race which was intended to rule the earth during the Nazis’ so-called “Thousand Year Reich”.

    To ensure the genetic purity of his country, Hitler implemented selective human breeding through the racial pseudo-science of eugenics. Mixed-marriages between an Aryan and a member of a “lesser race” were forbidden, and the Nazis forcibly sterilized hundreds of thousands of people whom they viewed as mentally or physically unfit. Many of these policies are generally seen as being related to what eventually became known as the Holocaust.

    n 1932 Hitler implemented the Lebensborn program, which sought to be the literal “spring of life” for the Master Race. He created breeding facilities in which Aryan women were recruited to be impregnated by S.S. soldiers. A male German seeking admission into the program had to prove that he was in perfect physical condition, and that he was “racially pure” as far back as 1750. Before the program ended in 1944, the Lebensborn produced more than 42,000 babies.
    The Germans also captured Aryan women and children from the surrounding conquered countries. From Poland, alone, they kidnapped 200,000 blond-haired, blue-eyed children.

    Hitler’s definition of genetic superiority did not stop with blonde hair and blue eyes. The value that Hitler placed on physical power led him to favor Aryan men with the strongest physiques and the tallest statures. Near the end of the Lebensborn program, Hitler set requirements that new male applicants be at least 6 ft. tall. Hitler regarded individuals who were 6 ft. 6 in. and taller as being the highest creed of Übermensch, the so-called “Hünenmensch”. He considered men of this stature to be the closest relatives of the original Germanic warrior tribes, from which the Aryan peoples are said to have descended. Being 6 ft. 6 in. entitled a Nazi soldier a special medal of honor, called the Hünenkreuz, and an instant promotion to the status of S.S. officer.

    Individuals who were unusually tall due to gigantism were not recognized as being Hünenmenschen by the government of the Third Reich. Because the abnormal height of a giant is the result of a defective pituitary gland, these individuals were deemed Untermenschen. Sterilization was, more often than not, their reward

    La versión final del Plan General del Este o General Plan Ost. elaboradada por el Reichssicherheitshauptamt, ya estaba lista hacia 1940. Por lo que he leído fue un plan bien ideado que llevó varios años de estudio y de recopilación de datos. Tenemos que tener claro que por delirante que nos pueda parecer la doctrina nazionalsocialista esta no deja nada al azar, si bien se suele considerar esa doctrina y sus consecuencias, la II Guerra Mundial los genocidios, etcétera como la locura o el capricho personal de Adolf Hitler nada más lejos de la verdad. Realmente, el Plan Ost estaba dividido en dos partes diferenciadas, una en lo que debían hacer en los territorios del este a medida que los fueran ocupando y otra a largo plazo que se centraba en lo que se debía de hacer una vez que se hubieran anexionado los territorios y salido vencedores de la guerra.

    Relacionado con todo esto se halla el Lebensborn que fue un programa ideado por las SS para el aumento de la población que había quedado mermado tras la I Guerra Mundial y su arianización. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, muchos niños de los territorios del este que tenían un aspecto que ellos consideraban ario fueron secuestrados y entregados a familias arias de Alemania y Austria para que se encargaran de su educación y crianza.

    El proceso de germanización o Eindeutschung es un verdadero eufemismo para referirse al genocidio del pueblo eslavo, sobre todo si tomamos como ejemplo el proceso de romanización en la antigüedad que consistía en el proceso largo y paulatino por el cual la cultura romana se imponía sobre la de los territorios conquistados por medio de diversos factores: religión, derecho, idioma. Los nazis no buscaban nada de eso si no establecer a las “perfectas” familias arias en el territorio conquistado y que a mí no deja de recordarme un poco al proceso de conquista del oeste de los estadounidenses. Nunca buscaron convertir a los habitantes de esas tierras en germanos, ¿cómo iban a hacerlo si los consideraban inferiores? Su idea era mantener un tanto por ciento de la población untermensch como mano de obra esclava y expulsar( léase exterminar) a millones que les resultarían molestos para su plan.

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    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por DP9M Jue Nov 17, 2011 4:35 pm

    Yo por ejemplo estoy a favor del mestizaje, VOLUNTARIO y en contra del mestizaje obligado. Si una mujer quiere estar con un negro que lo este, pero no estoy a favor, que se obligue desplazarse a millones de personas por que se crean condiciones miseras en sus paises por nuestra burguesia nacional, que fuerzan a un mestizaje obligado en la metropoli.

    Desaparecida la explotación Burguesa y el capitalismo desaparece el mestizaje forzado. Cada pais, cada cultura, cada nación tendrá su sitio en el mundo , respetado y velado por una sociedad responsable y cientifica.

    Contenido patrocinado

    ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista? Empty Re: ¿Se puede mantener la Belleza en un sistema Comunista?

    Mensaje por Contenido patrocinado

      Fecha y hora actual: Mar Mayo 28, 2024 12:20 pm