A 2009 study found "that the share of immigrants in the population has no significant impact on crime rates once immigrants’ economic circumstances are controlled for, while finding that unemployed immigrants tend to commit more crimes than unemployed non-immigrants."[54] A study by sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar, director of studies at the EHESS, found that "Muslims, mostly from North African origin, are becoming the most numerous group in [French prisons]."
Main article: Immigration and crime in Germany
A report released by the German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation in November 2015 found that over the period January–September 2015, the crime rate of refugees was the same as that of native Germans.[57] According to Deutsche Welle, the report "concluded that the majority of crimes committed by refugees (67 percent) consisted of theft, robbery and fraud. Sex crimes made for less than 1 percent of all crimes committed by refugees, while homicide registered the smallest fraction at 0,1 percent."[57] According to the conservative newspaper Die Welt's description of the report, the most common crime committed by refugees was not paying fares on public transportation.[58] According to Deutsche Welle's reporting in February 2016 of a report by the German Federal Office of Criminal Investigation, the number of crimes committed by refugees did not rise in proportion to the number of refugees between 2014-2015.[59] According to Deutsche Welle, "between 2014 and 2015, the number of crimes committed by refugees increased by 79 percent. Over the same period, however, the number of refugees in Germany increased by 440 percent."[59]
In May 2016, Politifact deemed Donald Trump's statement that "Germany "is crime-riddled right now" because of migration to Europe" as mostly false.[60] The fact-checker noted that Germany's crime rate, particularly the violent crime rate, is far lower than in the United States, and that data suggest that the crime rate of the average refugee is lower than that of the average German.[60]
Researchers at the Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute found in 2015 that the German government's policy of immigration of more than 3 million people of German descent to Germany after the collapse of the Soviet Union led to a significant increase in crime.[10] The effects were strongest in regions with high unemployment, high preexisting crime levels or large shares of foreigners.[10]
DW reported in 2006 that in Berlin, young male immigrants are three times more likely to commit violent crimes than their German peers.[61] Whereas the Gastarbeiter in the 50s and 60s did not have an elevated crime rate, second- and third-generation of immigrants had significantly higher crime rates
Further information: Immigration to Spain and Crime in Spain
A 2008 study finds that the rates of crimes committed by immigrants are substantially higher than nationals.[78] The study finds that "the arrival of immigrants has resulted in a lack of progress in the reduction of offences against property and in a minor increase in the number of offences against Collective Security (i.e. drugs and trafficking). In the case of nationals, their contribution to the increase in the crime rate is primarily concentrated in offences against persons."[78] By controlling for socioeconomic and demographic factors, the gap between immigrants and natives is reduced but not fully. The authors also find "that a higher proportions of American, non-UE European, and African immigrants tend to widen the crime differential, the effect being larger for the latter ones".[78] The same paper provides supports for the notion that labour market conditions impact the relationship between crime and immigration. Cultural differences were also statistically detected.[78] This study has been criticized for not using strong instruments for identifying causality: the "instruments (lagged values of the covariates and measures of the service share of GDP in a province) are not convincing in dealing with the endogeneity of migrant location choice."[18]
Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) published a study that analyzes records in the Register of Convicted in 2008. The data show that immigrants are overrepresented in the crime statistics: 70% of all crimes were committed by Spaniards and 30% by foreigners.[79] Foreigners make up 15% of the population.[79]
Further information: Immigration to Sweden and Crime in Sweden
The 2005 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention studying 4.4 million Swedes between the ages of 15 and 51 during the period 1997-2001 found that 58.9% of crime suspects were born to two Swedish parents (74.5% of total population), 10.4% of those born to one Swedish parent (9.3% of total population), 5.2% of those born to two foreign parents (3.2% of total population), and 25% of foreign-born individuals (13.1% of total population).[83] The report found that male immigrants were four times more likely to be investigated for lethal violence and robbery than ethnic Swedes. In addition, male immigrants were three times more likely to be investigated for violent assault, and five times more likely to be investigated for sex crimes.[83] Immigrants from Africa and Southern and Western Asian were more likely to be charged of a crime than individuals born to two Swedish parents by a factor of 4.5 and 3.5 respectively.[83] The report is based on statistics for those "suspected" of offences, but Stina Holmberg of the Council for Crime Prevention said that there was "little difference" in the statistics for those suspected of crimes and those actually convicted. "Slightly under 60 percent of the almost 1,520,000 offences... registered during the period covered by the study can be attributed to persons who were born in Sweden to two Swedish-born parents," it said.[84] A 2006 government report however suggests that immigrants face discrimination by law enforcement, which could lead to meaningful differences between those suspected of crimes and those actually convicted.[85] A 2008 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention finds evidence of discrimination towards individuals of foreign descent in the Swedish judicial system.[20] The 2005 report finds that immigrants who entered Sweden during early childhood have lower crime rates than other immigrants.[86] By taking account of socioeconomic factors (gender, age, education and income), the crime rate gap between immigrants and natives decreases.[86]
A 1996 report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention determined that between 1985 and 1989 individuals born in Iraq, North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia),Africa (excluding Uganda and the North African countries), other Middle East (Jordan, Palestine, Syria), Iran and Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria) were convicted of rape at rates 20, 23, 17, 9, 10 and 18 greater than individuals born in Sweden respectively.[87] Both the 1996 and 2005 reports have been criticized for using insufficient controls for socioeconomic factors.[21]
A 2013 study found that both first- and second-generation immigrants have a higher rate of suspected offences than indigenous Swedes.[88] While first-generation immigrants have the highest offender rate, the offenders have the lowest average number of offenses, which indicates that there is a high rate of low-rate offending (many suspected offenders with only one single registered offense). The rate of chronic offending (offenders suspected of several offenses) is higher among indigenous Swedes than first-generation immigrants. Second-generation immigrants have higher rates of chronic offending than first-generation immigrants but lower total offender rates.[88]
A study using more comprehensive socioeconomic factors than the 1996 and 2005 reports found that "for males, we are able to explain between half and three-quarters of the gap in crime by reference to parental socio-economic resources and neighbourhood segregation. For females, we can explain even more, sometimes the entire gap."[21] The authors furthermore found "that culture is unlikely to be a strong cause of crime among immigrants".[21]
El sustrato sobre el que se asienta la mayoria del mundo musulman de este planeta , proviene del lumpen arabe mas salvaje y cavernario que considera a las blancas putas impudicas por no vestir decentemente ( tapandose) ergo, es "una invitación a violarla"
Un clérigo musulmán dice que las mujeres fueron agredidas en Colonia por “usar perfume”
El imán de la mezquita de Al Tawhid, ubicada en esa ciudad alemana, dijo además que “estaban semidesnudas”. Más de 650 denuncias por agresiones sexuales se acumulan hasta el momento.
Un clérigo musulmán de la ciudad alemana de Colonia dijo que la agresión sexual que sufrieron cientos de mujeres la noche de Año Nuevo no lo sorprende y responsabilizó a las víctimas por los ataques porque “estaban semidesnudas y usaban perfume”.
Sami Abu Yusuf, es el imán de la mezquita de Al Tawhid, en Colonia, donde predica el salafismo, una forma conservadora del islam sunita. En polémicas declaraciones a la cadena de televisión rusa REN TV , el clérigo dijo que las mismas mujeres "echan leña al fuego", ya que su forma de vestir y su perfume provocan a los hombres, informan hoy distintos medios.
“La culpa de las agresiones sexuales es de las propias chicas, porque estaban semidesnudas y usaban perfume”, dijo Abu Yusuf.
Ya se acumulan más de 650 denuncias de mujeres, casi la mitad de ellas por abusos sexuales,Un informe de la cuestionada Policía de Colonia habla de las 21 del 31 de diciembre como punto de partida para el accionar de las patotas, supuestamente compuestas por jóvenes de origen árabe o norafricano, que atacaron a las mujeres. Eran hasta 500 individuos “extremadamente alcoholizados” de entre 15 y 35 años, asegura el documento de 27 páginas. Hacia las 11 de la noche el grupo había crecido al “doble o triple” en la zona de explanadas que se extiende entre la famosa catedral gótica y la estación central de trenes de la cuarta ciudad de Alemania, junto al río Rin. Escenas similares se vivieron también en Hamburgo.
Leé también: Alemania sigue escandalizada por los abusos: intentan reconstruir qué fue lo que pasó
La mayoría de las mujeres denunciaron que fueron rodeadas o quedaron como entre dos filas de hombres que las manosearon y humillaron y también les robaron la plata y el celular. Las autoridades hablaron de al menos dos violaciones.